Population growth puts a greater stress on expanding yields for food, which still encouraging resource stewardship. To help meet this challenge, we share unbiased, research‐based information for a diversified agricultural audience.

Active in all 93 counties and at extension.unl.edu/croppingwater

Cropping & Water Systems

By Chabella Guzman, PREEC communications & Gary Stone, Nebraska Extension Educator

Corn silage is another crop being harvested in western Nebraska. The silage is the result of chopping the whole corn plant and packing it in a way that will ferment. “As a result of this anaerobic fermentation, sugars present in the plants become acetic and lactic acids, allowing the long-term preservation of the material for livestock feed,” said Pablo Loza, Nebraska Extension beef feedlot specialist. 

By Chabella Guzman, Panhadle Research Extension & Education Center communications & Gary Stone, Nebraska Extension educator 

Western Sugar began its early harvest on Monday, September 2, 2024 and sugar beets are beginning to pile up in the yard before heading into the factory for slicing and processing. 

Gary Stone - Extension Educator

The Niobrara River, White River and Hat Creek

The Niobrara and White River drainage systems are in the northwest and northern Nebraska. The headwaters of the Niobrara are near Manville, Wyoming. The White River headwaters are located southeast of Harrison, Nebraska.

Gary Stone - Extension Educator

The Republican River

Gary Stone, Extension Educator Part 1 of a six-part series that will cover the major rivers and their respective drainages found in Nebraska, with some geography and history about Nebraska’s rivers.