Major Nebraska Rivers and Their Drainages: Part 6

Gary Stone - Extension Educator

The Niobrara River, White River and Hat Creek

The Niobrara and White River drainage systems are in the northwest and northern Nebraska. The headwaters of the Niobrara are near Manville, Wyoming. The White River headwaters are located southeast of Harrison, Nebraska.

The Niobrara River ends at the confluence with the Missouri River near Niobrara, Nebraska. The Niobrara River flows for approximately 568 miles with an average discharge of 1,718 cfs. Major tributaries of the Niobrara River are the Keya Paha River and Snake River.

The White River ends at the confluence with the Missouri River south of Chamberlain, South Dakota. The White River flows for approximately 580 miles. Numerous tributaries feed the White River from the Pine Ridge in Nebraska and those across South Dakota.

The complete Part 6 article can be found on CropWatch at