The Nebraska Master Gardener Program
The Nebraska Master Gardener program is a horticulture related volunteer training program based in many counties throughout the state. It has been part of Nebraska Extension since 1976. Master Gardener volunteers are trained by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension faculty and staff. They contribute time as volunteers working through their local Extension office to provide horticulture-related information to their community. More specifically, they provide education about sustainable horticultural practices. Participants are required to complete 40 hours of training and 40 hours of volunteer service during the initial year of their involvement in the program. Master Gardener volunteers retain their certification through annual training and volunteering.
Nebraska Master Gardener web page
There will be four in-person Master Gardener trainings at the Panhandle Research & Extension Center in 2023. Contact the Extension Office to register at 308-632-1480.
February 20 10:00am-3:00pm with lunch break
Introduction to the new NE-EMGV Program
Gardening Round Table Discussion
February 27 10:00am-3:00pm with lunch break
Hydroponics in the Home Garden-Nathan Rice, Nebraska Extension
Seeing Like a Bee - Emily Stine, Nebraska Extension
Backyard Gardening for Birds - Delanie Bruce, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
March 6 10:00am-3:00pm with lunch break
Drip Irrigation for Pots and Plants - Chrissy Land, Nebraska Forest Service
March 13 10:00am-3:00pm with lunch break
Edible Mushroom Production - Tyler Cochran, Polarity Mushroom Farm
Picking Plants at Nurseries - Miles & Janis Imel, Peaceful Prairie Nursery