Cropping & Water Systems


Population growth puts a greater stress on expanding yields for food, which still encouraging resource stewardship. To help meet this challenge, we share unbiased, research‐based information for a diversified agricultural audience.

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Cropping & Water Systems

If your private pesticide applicator license is set to expire on April 15, 2024 you will need to attending one of the in-person trainings or complete the online course. This license is necessary to purchase and apply restricted use pesticides on agricultural lands in the state of Nebraska. The Nebraska Department of Agriculture has mailed you a similar letter that includes a recertification form. You must provide the original copy of this form regardless of the recertification option you select.

Knox County Private Pesticide Applicator Training Locations:

January 12, 2023 in Verdigre
February 16, 2023 in Creighton

Producers in northeast Nebraska will have an opportunity to learn from cropping issues that impacted the area during the 2022 growing season. The Confronting Cropping Challenges program will help producers make decisions for the 2023 growing season and they can renew their private pesticide applicator license. This is the sixth year for the Confronting Cropping Challenges program, and responses from previous years have been very positive. This year, the program will be offered in five locations across northeast Nebraska in December. The program will begin at 1 p.m. and conclude at 4 p.m.

Cover the pile. Cover the silage pile with plastic.

The time and money spent on chopping silage for feed does not go unnoticed. But if the pile isn’t covered, the loss of feed will be noticeable. Even after the silage is packed correctly, air and water can penetrate the outer layers and severely damage the quality and quantity of silage. Additionally, molds, mycotoxins, and fungi have a prime place to grow in uncovered silage.

Preliminary Results The full report is expected to be published in early June.
Information was presented for landlords and operators on the latest cash rental rates, leasing considerations and trends, negotiation methods and farm succession. This workshop was developed by Extension Educators Austin Duerfeldt, Jim Jansen and Allan Vyhnalek, all in the Department of Agricultural Economics.