What to Learn in March!

Magnificent Magnets!

Coffee Filter Fridge Magnets - Children can get creative with this inexpensive activity.

Magnet Fun - Children will learn what is magnetic and what is not through these fun activities.

Trail Mix - Use raisins in this recipe to teach children about iron and magnets!

magnetsAsk Your Librarian - "What Makes a Magnet" by Franklyn M. Branley and True Kelley
Will a magnet pick up a paper clip or a feather? The answer is, just the paper clip. Magnets only pick up things that contain bits of iron. In this new addition of the Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science series, veteran author Frankly Branley explains the properties and behaviors of magnets. True Kelley's charming illustrations will entertain readers as they discover for themselves what makes a magnet. Hands-on activities include making a magnet and compass.

Magnets - Language Development poems - Children will love learning these poems to share with their family at home.