The Washington County 4-H Program is home to 472* enrolled Traditional Members, 66* enrolled Adult Volunteers, and 19* traditional 4-H Clubs. 

4-H youth members and adult volunteers are supported by the Washington County 4-H Council, Nebraska Extension 4-H staff, and Contributors to the Washington County 4-H Recognition Fund. This support includes, but is not limited to: education, trainings, financial, advocacy, and engagement opportunities.

We encourage you to learn more about Washington County 4-H Program by clicking through the pages shared in the menu on this screen (Join 4-H, Resources, School Enrichment, Fairs & Events) to see how our local program can serve you and your family. 

Questions? Contact the Washington County 4-H staff by emailing or calling 402-426-9455.

*Numbers reflect the 2023-2024 4-H year.