Population growth puts a greater stress on expanding yields for food, which still encouraging resource stewardship. To help meet this challenge, we share unbiased, research‐based information for a diversified agricultural audience.

Active in all 93 counties and at extension.unl.edu/croppingwater

Cropping & Water Systems

Extension Instructor or Open Rank Extension Educator
Water and Cropping Systems
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

It has been a joy to write 137 columns over the past 4.5 years for farmers, agronomists, and landowners in southeast Nebraska. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you as a local University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Educator. My last day with Nebraska Extension will be June 21. Many have emailed, called, and texted me wondering what my next endeavor will be. Starting in July, I will be the State Soil Health Specialist with U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service located in Lincoln.

The Department of Agronomy and Horticulture features a website devoted to information on Range, Pasture, and Forages, including sections on forage crop and pasture, integrated crop-livestock systems, rangeland ecology and management, grazing, bioenergy and a section on forage publications. 

More topics here.