Land Lease & Cash Rents

It's extemely important to note that no two operations or rental agreements are exactly alike. Those rents on either end of the range probably have some special circumstances. Production potential likely varies greatly on these rent extremes.

Summary - Based on responses, cash rents and bushel rents were up slightly.  Alternative crop suggestions were irrigated pastures and regeneratives.

2024 Dawson County Survey Results

2024 State Land Values & Rental Rates

2024 Custer County Survey Results

Last year's Land Lease & Cash Rent Information:

2023 Dawson County Survey Results

2023 State Land Values & Rental Rates

2023 Custer County Survey Results

Here is a link to the state website that will give you further helpful information when evaluating your land leases.  You can download state reports, lease forms to download, plug in calculator spreadsheets, farm lease types and options to consider, checklists, questions and answers, and also an irrigation cost of operation calculator.   Lease Considerations