4-H Livestock & Small Animal

Sheep & Goat Weigh Day - June 7.

All 4-H sheep and meat goats need to be brought to the fairgrounds at 4:30 p.m.

4-H Livestock Identification (Ownership Affidavits)

Nebraska 4-H and FFA Livestock Identification & Nomination are done on-line.  Exhibitors anticipating showing at the State Fair or AKSARBEN will be responsible for submitting their information into the database www.showstockmgr.com themselves prior to the nomination deadline.  DNA envelopes will still be submitted through the county extension office.  Nomination Deadline is noon of June 15.  Please note the new 2024 updated ID requirements in the chart link below.

Dawson County will require paper identifications for all animals requiring ID’s whether nominated for State Fair/AKSARBEN or County Only.  And are still encouraged by the County June 1st Club ID Incentive award as always.  Paper ID forms listed below. 

The paper ID in the office will not allow those animals to be eligible for State Fair or Ak-Sar-Ben however.

The database has the capacity to accept animal information submitted directly by exhibitors as well as payments for the DNA process.  Families will have the ability to edit incorrect information (wrong tag number, wrong birth date, etc.) up to the deadline. The County Extension Office/FFA Advisors will still continue to mail in the DNA collectors to the AKSARBEN office by the respected deadline. Once the information is in the database, paid for, and has been validated by the County Extension Staff/FFA Advisor, it will then be available for exhibitors to make State Fair  & AkSarBen entries. Please note, any animal entry not in the database or had not submitted DNA or not paid for will not be considered nominated and eligible for State Fair or AKSARBEN.  Deadline is June 15 at noon.

Nomination ID's should include the complete 15 digit EID number and complete "state/farm/individual" scrapie tag numbers, as well as Premise ID where they are required.

Changes can be made to the entries on-line by the individuals until the time of payment.  No entry will be deemed nominated until paid for.  Changes after that must be done through the Extension Office.

Show Stock Manager Online Nomination Process Step-by-Step Instructions


For Dawson County’s current livestock ID requirements refer to our current spreadsheet:                 4H ID Chart for 2024


The Dawson County Cattlemen have graciously offered to sponsor the 2024 tag usage for all species.


If you have any previous year ID sheets, discard them and only use the ones below.  You can download any of the affidavits below.  You have the option if you have Microsoft Word, to enter the information into the form and then print it off.  A pdf is still available to those without Microsoft Word.

Horse pdf

Market Beef pdf                                                                         Market Beef Word docx

Breeding Beef pdf                                                                      Breeding Beef Word docx

Feeder Calf pdf                                                                           Feeder Calf Word docx

Cow-Calf pdf                                                                               Cow-Calf Xcel spreadsheet

Market Sheep pdf                                                                      Market Sheep Word docx

Breeding Sheep pdf                                                                   Breeding Sheep Word docx

Dairy Cattle pdf                                                                          Dairy Goat pdf

Meat Goat pdf                                                                             Meat Goat Word docx

Breeding Doe pdf (meat goat)                                               Breeding Doe docx (meat goat)

Market Swine pdf                                                                      Market Swine Word docx

Breeding Swine (use Market Swine ID and at county fair check-in, indicate whether showing as breeding or market, however include DOB on ID for gilts possibly going to state)

Rabbit pdf                                                                                     Rabbit Word docx



Quality Assurance

    What is Quality Assurance (QA) & Who is required to complete Quality Assurance?

The Dawson County Extension Office will be offering only ONE in-person training for YQCA this year taught by Dr. Jared Walahoski, D.V.M.. As a reminder, YQCA or Youth Quality Care of Animals, is required at all Nebraska 4-H and FFA shows for Beef, Sheep, Swine, Goats, Poultry, Rabbits, and Dairy. If youth are not able to attend the in-person training, they also have the option to complete the training online. The online option certifies youth of any age for one year. Youth must complete three courses (modules) in their age group and of their choosing per year.  Enter at https://yqcaprogram.org/.  The cost for the in-person training is $3.00. The cost for the online training is $12.00. The cost to test out varies with age group.

The in-person training will be held on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 , at the Dawson County Extension Office in Lexington. The training will begin at 7:00 pm and will last approximately one hour. Youth must pre-register at https://yqcaprogram.org/ and pay the $3.00 fee via credit card. The new YQCA website has several helpful documents for those registering for the first time or registering for the first time on the new platform.  Walk-ins are still welcome but will only have till June 15 to go on-line, sign up and pay.

After the training, the Extension Educator will log on and mark participants complete. Youth may log in after May 22 to access their YQCA certificate. Please send a copy of your certificate to county email address at dawson-county@unl.edu, fax to (308) 324-5503, mail, or drop it off in person. This is necessary for the office to enter the certificate number into the state system.   

On the website, there are different instructions to download for each process of acquiring your QA (whether in-person or on-line). 

  1. Step-by-step for doing the web-based testing.
  2. Step-by-step for doing the instructor led training.
  3. Instructions for those that require Disability Accommodation help.
  4. Instructions for printing off your certificate are at the end of each set of instructions.  You will again need to submit copies of your certificate to dawson-county@unl.edu, or fax to 308-324-5503, mail or deliver in person.  The purpose for this is information from your certificate needs to be entered into the system for the state.
  5. We would like to see all QA certification be completed with copies submitted to the Extension Office by June 1.

Premise ID Information

What is a Premise ID? - It is a unique code that permanently assigned to a single physical location.  It is administered by each state and allows animal health officials to quickly and precisely identify where animals are located in the event of an animal health or food safety emergency.

Exhibitors of 4-H & FFA market beef, swine, sheep and goats that carry an EID tag are required to obtain a Premise ID number through the Nebraska Department  of Agriculture at no cost to the exhibitor.  Exhibitors without a Premises Identification number will not be allowed to exhibit at the Nebraska State Fair.  After you have obtained it, call or email it to Da'Lacy Lans here at the Extension Office at dlans2@unl.edu or include it also on your market ID sheets.

Complete the Premises ID Registration Form here: https://nda.nebraska.gov/adt/premises.html   Click on the form link in the middle of the page and follow their instructions on the page.  FYI: for the "Premises Type" on the form, 4-H Exhibitors should select both "Exhibition Center" and "Production Unit".