Population growth puts a greater stress on expanding yields for food, which still encouraging resource stewardship. To help meet this challenge, we share unbiased, research‐based information for a diversified agricultural audience.

Active in all 93 counties and at extension.unl.edu/croppingwater

Cropping & Water Systems

The 2019 Nebraska Farm Real Estate Market Highlights Report has been completed.  After record high land values in 2014, this marks the fifth year of consecutive decline in real estate values in Nebraska.    This report will show the values for regions in the state as well as discussion from panels on the trends we can expect in those regions.   A special feature of this report is the section covering emerg

Land Rental Rates

The rental rates for crop and pasture ground are compiled in January of each year.  In February the rates are shared with land owners and producers.  If you would like to be on our mailing list to receive this information as soon as it is available, please contact the Nebraska Extension in Custer County office at  308-872-6831.  For your convenience the current and previous years rates can be viewed anytime.

Every two years Nebraska custom operators are surveyed to determine the current rates charged for machine custom applications in the state. It is divided into two parts, Part I is spring and summer applications. Part II is made up of the fall applications and miscellaneous categories. Full summaries from this survey, including district as well as state data, are published as a University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Circular

CropWatch is a weekly update of information about all things Crop in Nebraska including row crop, weed management, fertilizer management, weather, crop reports, crop resources, farm management, and much more.  You can view the most up to date CropWatch information or subscribe with your email to receive this timely information right in your inbox.