Favorite Foods Revue - March 9, 2024

Dakota~Thurston County 4-H Favorite Foods Revue

March 9th, 2024

St. Lukes Lutheran Church

211 W 2nd St.

Emerson, NE


Dust off your cookbook and prepare you favorite recipe shine up you glassware and flatware.

Prepare a centerpiece and serve up a sample of  one item from the menu you chose.

  1. All 4-Hers are eligible to participate. DO NOT need to be enrolled in a Foods Project, but must be enrolled in 4-H online.
  2. Select and prepare a favorite recipe (doesn't have to be from 4-H project manual but should relate to what was learned in a project and/or age appropriate, also skill level appropriate).
  3. Plan a menu which includes the favorite food. (Tell for what kind of meal: Example, family supper, Sunday dinner, children's party, Thanksgiving dinner, etc.). Write the menu on a 4 x 6 card.
  4. Write recipe on a 4 x 6 card. (4 x 6 cards may be handwritten or typewritten or computer generated, but should reflect the work of the 4-Her)
  5. Prepare a centerpiece and place setting for one on a card table. You must supply your own card table. You may use placemats or a tablecloth. You do not have to use your best china. Settings may be plastic, glass, etc. The emphasis is placed on how well it goes together and how appropriate for the occasion of the meal. Eight foot (8') plastic tables at the Fire Hall may also be used, One youth at each end of a table.  
  6. Have your display in place 15 minutes prior to the start of the contest, so that judging may begin promptly.
  7. Parents and leaders may assist carrying articles for display, but 4-Hers are to set up display themselves.
  8. The favorite food may be displayed as the whole product or as one serving. A microwave may be available to heat your food depending on location of contest, so plan accordingly.
  9. Contest is divided into Senior, Intermediate, Junior, and Novice Divisions, however this is subject to change based on number of youth entering contest, may be divided into Junior and Senior division.
  10. Each contestant will be interviewed by the judge for about five minutes. Questions will be asked about the favorite food, menu, and centerpiece and place setting.

Ribbon will be dropped on placing if above guidelines are not followed.

Writing Recipe-menus brochure

 Culinary Challenge

The 4-H Culinary Challenge Contest will require youth to demonstrate healthy decision making through nutrition, food preparation, menu planning, and food safety, utilizing foods and nutrition curriculum. They will apply healthy living knowledge and skills by planning a nutritious menu, demonstrating their understanding of time management skills in the kitchen, and expressing their originality and creativity through an appropriate themed and properly set table. To showcase these skills, youth will create a menu, prepare one food item, and choose an appropriate theme for their occasion while expressing their food, nutrition, and food safety knowledge during a live interview with a judge at the contest. In order to highlight knowledge and skills acquired during pre-contest preparation, youth will utilize technology as part of their interview.
Winners at a county contest (Table Toppers, Favorite Foods or other such contest) may advance to the4-H Culinary Challenge Contest, but participation at the county level is not required. The 4-H’er must be enrolled in a Foods and Nutrition project to enter the Contest.  Each County is eligible to submit up to 4 teams of two 4-H members for the 4-H Culinary Challenge Contest State Fair 4-H Foods Event to be held during the Nebraska State Fair. Selection of such eligible teams shall be at the discretion of the county. See State Fair Culinary Challenge Rules for more information.


County teams of two 4-H members will have the opportunity to advance to the 4-H Culinary Challenge Contest, which will be held the first weekend of the Nebraska State Fair. Teams will be determined by the oldest 4-H’ers age and will be placed as follows: Intermediate – ages 10 - 13; and Senior – ages 14 - 18.


A challenge ingredient will be selected each year, highlighting a Nebraska commodity food product.  The 2024 challenge ingredient is...  Please keep food safety in mind when selecting the recipe used for the Challenge.  Foods must be able to be kept chilled during transport to the contest, then be able to be re-heated in a slow cooker or microwave.  Each team must incorporate the challenge ingredient into their food item they will be presenting during the contest.  This may require altering a recipe or creatively incorporating an item into their overall table theme.  The challenge ingredient must also be included in the interview presentation, demonstrating youth knowledge of the ingredient, such as nutritional value, a farm-to-fork concept, or how to adapt a recipe to include the ingredient.
