2025 Dakota-Thurston All Contest Day
Speech, Presentation, Music, and Favorite Foods Contests
Location - United Church of Pender, 504 Earl Street, Pender, NE 68047
Register Today using QR code or link: https://go.unl.edu/dtcontests25

More information and contest tips- https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/dakota/4-h/4-h-contests/

Prepared Speech
The Prepared Speech contest provides youth the opportunity to write and prepare a speech on a topic related to their 4-H experience. The judge will view the speech and evaluate based on the subject, organization, and delivery of the speech.
For questions about this contest, please contact the superintendent: Lauren Neels and Emily Soll.
- Length:
- Junior Division (ages 8-10): 2-3 minutes
- Intermediate Division (ages 11-13): 3-5 minutes
- Senior Division (ages 14-18): 5-8 minutes
- For Senior Division only, judges will deduct three points from the score for every 30 seconds under or over the time limit.
- Only individuals may compete in this class; no team entries are allowed.
- All speeches must be original and include 4-H as the major component of the speech.
- 4-H public speakers may not use the old speech written by a sibling, another 4-H member, or anyone else.
- Acknowledge the source of information used in the speech. For example, an article from a magazine may be used for reference but should not be quoted directly unless you tell the audience your source.
- The use of visual aids and props is not allowed.
- Dress appropriately. Do not wear costumes or special effects clothing.
- Prepared Speech Judging Criteria/Scoresheet: Senior and Intermediate | Junior
- Nebraska 4-H Communications Resources: Guide to Making Great Speeches
Radio Public Service Announcement (PSA)
The Radio Public Service Announcement (PSA) contest challenges youth to write and record a 60-second promotional audio recording focused on a yearly theme that could be played on the radio to promote the work of Nebraska 4-H. Youth are judged on their overall organization and delivery of the PSA.
For questions about this contest, please contact the superintendent: Maddie Werner and Kate Pulec.
- Length: 60 seconds
- Only individuals may compete in this class; no team entries are allowed.
- Youth will prepare a PSA around the 2025 Theme: "Ready through 4-H...and beyond"
- All radio PSA's must promote 4-H and be general enough to be used anywhere in Nebraska at any time of the year.
- All 4-H PSA's must include the following tagline within the last 10 seconds of the PSA: "Learn more about the Nebraska Extension 4-H Youth Development Program at 4h.unl.edu." The tagline is included in the 60-second time limit.
- Sound effects and public-domain music may be used. Copyrighted material may not be used.
- All PSA's must be the original work of the presenter. Contestants may not use PSA's written and provided by the state or national staff.
- PSA entries will be submitted electronically in a .wav or .mp3 audio format along with the registration form.
- PSA Judging Criteria/Scoresheet
- Nebraska 4-H Communications Resources: How to Prepare a 4-H Radio Public Service Announcement
- Examples of Top Radio PSA Entries:2024 | 2023
Music Contest
The 4-H Music Contest provides an opportunity for 4-H Youth to showcase their musical skills. Youth can sing, play an instrument or dance. The can preform solo or as part of a group.
All participants must be Dakota or Thurston County 4-H’ers.
4-H’er may participate in a maximum of three (3) classes
Classes 901-906 must have at least three (3) participants.
Length of performance not to exceed 6 minutes. Accompaniment may be live or professionally recorded. Accompaniment can be provided by an adult or non 4-H member.
Please provide you own music stand and tape/CD player if needed.
Ribbon will be dropped one placing if above guidelines are not followed.
Grand Champion Rosette will be awarded for Best of Show.
Junior Division (majority of participating group members) 8-12 yrs.
Drill or Dance Routine - May be a drill, square or folk dance, tap dance or any routine done as a group. Groups should be prepared to perform on a small stage.
Song Group (3 or more)
Combo or Band - Group with instruments of their choice, including piano. May include vocalists.
Senior Division (majority of participating group members) 13 & over.
Drill or Dance Routines - May be drill, square or folk dance, tap dance or any routine done as a group. Groups should be prepared to perform on a small stage.
Song Group (3 or more)
Combo or Band - Group with instruments of their choice, including piano. May include vocalists.
Individual Vocal
Duet Vocal
Individual Instrumental
Duet Instrumental
Individual Dance
Duet Dance
Illustrated Presentations
An Illustrated Presentation is a live presentation with a formal talk where youth will use visual aids (such as props, posters, computer-based visuals, handouts, video, etc.) to show and tell others how to do something. The judge views the entire presentation and engages in a question-and-answer session following the presentation.
For questions about this contest, please contact the superintendent: Tracy Anderson and Tracy Pracheil.
- Length
- Individual - Junior Division: 3-5 minutes
- Individual - Intermediate and Senior Divisions: 6-8 minutes
- Team - Junior Division: 5-7 minutes
- Team - Intermediate and Senior Divisions: 8-10 minutes
- Participants will be penalized if their presentation exceeds the time limit
- An Illustrated Presentation may be given by one (1) individual or a team of two (2) individuals. If team members are not in the same age division, they must compete in the age division of the oldest team member.
- All presentation topics should be related to what the 4-H youth is learning through 4-H educational experiences.
- Presentations should include an introduction (the "why" portion of the topic), a body (the "show and tell" portion of the topic), and a conclusion/summary (the "what" portion of the topic).
- The check-in area will contain temporary storage space for presentation supplies. Only presenters and contest officials will be permitted in the designated preparation areas; no relatives or friends, please. Presenters are expected to clean up the areas in which they work.
- Equipment provided includes two (2) tables, one (1) easel, PC compatible computer (including Microsoft PowerPoint) with a WiFi internet connection, and a projector or television screen.
- Presenters using computer-based visuals may bring files on a USB drive that is PC formatted. Participants may also provide their own computer or other equipment as needed; however, participants must be able to connect their computers to an HDMI cord.
- Change for 2024: Due to event location, live animals will not be able to be used in the presentation. Alternative ways of showing information about live animals (models, videos, photos, etc.) are encouraged.
- Illustrated Presentation Judging Criteria/Scoresheet
- Nebraska 4-H Communications Resources: Planning a 4-H Presentation | Giving a Presentation | Creating Visuals | Creating Digital Presentation Visuals
Impromptu Speech
The Impromptu Speech competition gives youth the opportunity to write and present a speech around a 4-H-related topic that they select during the competition, where they are given 15 minutes to develop and prepare for their presentation. Judges evaluate the subject, organization, and delivery of the speech.
For questions about this contest, please contact the superintendent: Maria Walker, William Wilton, and Jordan Wilbur.
- Length
- Junior Division (ages 8-10): 1 1/2 minutes
- Intermediate Division (ages 11-13): 3 minutes
- Senior Division (ages 14-18): 5 minutes
- Only individuals may compete in this class; no team entries are allowed.
- On the day of the contest, participants will have a topic randomly selected for them. Youth will have no more than 15 minutes to develop a speech on the selected topic. Participants will then deliver the speech to judges and audience members.
- Example topic: My Day in 4-H
- Impromptu Speech Judging Criteria/Scoresheet
Nebraska 4-H Communications Resources: Guide to Making Great Speeches
Video Communication
The video communication contest allows youth to create a multi-media video around a theme related to 4-H. Judges will be evaluating on both the organization of information as well as the audio and video production.
For questions about this contest, please contact the superintendent: Angela Abts.
- Length: 60-90 seconds
- Only individuals may compete in this class; no team entries are allowed.
- Youth may use a phone, laptop, or tablet to create a multi-media piece around the 2025 Theme: "Ready through 4-H...and beyond"
- Sound effects, public-domain music, and graphics can be used. Copyrighted materials may not be used.
- Videos will be submitted electronically as MP4 files along with the registration form.
- Video Communication Judging Criteria/Scoresheet
- Examples of Top Video Communication Entries: 2024 | 2023
Favorite Foods
Dust off your cookbook and prepare you favorite recipe shine up you glassware and flatware.
Prepare a centerpiece and serve up a sample of one item from the menu you chose.
- All 4-Hers are eligible to participate. DO NOT need to be enrolled in a Foods Project.
- Select and prepare a favorite recipe (doesn't have to be from 4-H project manual but should relate to what was learned in a project and/or age appropriate, also skill level appropriate.
- Plan a menu which includes the favorite food. (Tell for what kind of meal: Example, family supper, Sunday dinner, children's party, Thanksgiving dinner, etc.). Write the menu on a 4 x 6 card.
- Write recipe on a 4 x 6 card. (4 x 6 cards may be handwritten or typewritten or computer generated, but should reflect the work of the 4-Her)
- Prepare a centerpiece and place setting for one on a card table. You must supply your own card table. You may use placemats or a tablecloth. You do not have to use your best china. Settings may be plastic, glass, etc. The emphasis is placed on how well it goes together and how appropriate for the occasion of the meal. Eight foot (8') plastic tables at the Fire Hall may also be used, One youth at each end of a table.
- Have your display in place 15 minutes prior to the start of the contest, so that judging may begin promptly.
- Parents and leaders may assist carrying articles for display, but 4-Hers are to set up display themselves.
- The favorite food may be displayed as the whole product or as one serving. A microwave may be available to heat your food depending on location of contest, so plan accordingly.
- Contest is divided into Senior, Intermediate, Junior, and Novice Divisions, however this is subject to change based on number of youth entering contest, may be divided into Junior and Senior division.
- Each contestant will be interviewed by the judge for about five minutes. Questions will be asked about the favorite food, menu, and centerpiece and place setting.
Ribbon will be dropped on placing if above guidelines are not followed.
Any other questions please contact your Extension Office for more information.
2024 Dakota-Thurston 4-H All Contest Day
Register today at: http://go.unl.edu/registerdtcontestday
**New for 2024 - Video Communications and Impromptu Speech contests added!!
Speech, Impromptu, & PSA - March 9, 2024 @ St. Luke's Lutheran Church of Emerson, 9:30 AM
Favorite Foods - March 9, 2024 @ St. Luke's Lutheran Church of Emerson, 9:30 AM
Music - March 9, 2024 @ St. Luke's Lutheran Church of Emerson, 9:30 AM