DUE Friday, December 6, 2024!!!
It’s that time of year to REFLECT, REVIEW, and REWARD yourself for all the hard work you’ve put into your 2023 4-H year! That means we want to hear all about it, so we’re encouraging you to fill out the Achievement Applications!
AWARD APPLICATIONS DUE: Friday, December 6, 2024
Step 1: Write your story (add pictures if you want)
Step 2: Fill out County Award Sheet
Step 3: Print or email to sydney.williams@unl.edu or jhansen6@unl.edu
Available Achievement Applications & Forms (*NOTE AGES – they’re a bit different)
Clover Kid (5-7): https://go.unl.edu/ckachapp24
Junior Novice (8-12, preferably first year members): https://go.unl.edu/jrnoviceachapp24
- Junior Achievement App Rubric: https://go.unl.edu/rubricjr24
Junior (8-12): https://go.unl.edu/jrachapp24
- Junior Achievement App Rubric: https://go.unl.edu/rubricjr24
Senior (13-18): https://go.unl.edu/srachapp24
*Please note if you want to apply for State Awards they are due January 5th.
- Senior Achievement App Rubric: https://go.unl.edu/rubricsr24
County Awards Sheet: https://go.unl.edu/ctyawardsheet24
What are Achievement Applications?
They are somewhat similar to the previous 4-H Story section. But we encourage you to be creative and use your strengths to capture your 4-H experience. Please read the guidelines at the beginning of the form, as they give you a good framework to base your application off of, but these can truly be whatever you want them to be! Express yourself and your 4-H experience! We want to hear your 4-H story!
Seniors – If you are wanting to apply for the State Level beyond County, make sure you carefully read through the guidelines of what is required and the ages that are eligible.
If possible we would love these to be done digitally. So simply fill out the forms and email them back to sydney.williams@unl.edu or jhansen6@unl.edu. Since this can be done digitally, there is no need for a special binder or tabs.
County Awards: You will be allowed to pick 3 County Awards & 2 Addition Awards to apply for. You will only be allowed to win the county award once per age division (since we’ve changed up ages so much lately don’t worry too much about this, but if you have questions on what you have won in the past let me know). If you are applying for a county award, I would probably mention something about it in your application, as this is the only information the judges will have.
Clover Kids are not required to do an Achievement Application but we have a similar version that they are more than welcome to fill out for the experience and practice.
Please check with your 4-H Club leaders to see what your policy is for completing the Achievement Application and receiving your premium money from fair. These are due to the office or email by December 6, 2024.
If you have ANY questions, please let us know! We simply want to celebrate your hard work, especially in such a year of adaption!