Population growth puts a greater stress on expanding yields for food, which still encouraging resource stewardship. To help meet this challenge, we share unbiased, research‐based information for a diversified agricultural audience.

Active in all 93 counties and at extension.unl.edu/croppingwater

Cropping & Water Systems

Agriculture in southeast Nebraska is changing rapidly, creating new opportunities for both traditional and alternative farming. There is a great potential for those willing to take risks and invest time in small-scale ventures like vegetables and flower farming. These alternative enterprises can thrive with careful planning and dedication.
As of July 19, southern rust has been confirmed in several counties in Nebraska, including the eastern and central part of the state. This year, the disease development occurred earlier than usual and has spread further north than it typically does.

We are soon transitioning to an electronic Ag Line Newsletter.  If you want to keep receiving our newsletter, please let us know by calling 402-274-4755 or emailing nemaha-county@unl.edu or scan the QR code below.

The Nemaha County Ag Line Newsletter is written by Nemaha County Extension Educator, Ritika Lamichhane.  Her program area is Water & Cropping Systems.

Check out the Nemaha County Agricultural Resources webpage for more information.  Besides newsletters & articles written by Nemaha County Extension Educator, Gary Lesoing, you can find farmer's tax information, Nebraska Farm Real Estate Market Highlights, Nebraska trends in farmland values, rental rates and custom rates.  You can also find information on pesticide certification, seed guides, grain storage management and more.

Watch Out for These Pests! - Pillbug - Japanese Beetle - Soybean Gall Midge - Soybean Stem Borer