Connect with Us
Office Hours are Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 1:00 - 5:00 PM
The office will be closed on federal holidays.
Our office is located in the basement of the Nemaha County Courthouse.
Upcoming Event
Private Pesticide & Chemigation Training
Leaving a Lasting Legacy for Midwestern Farm Women: A succession Planning Series
A multi-state extension workshop series for women in agriculture will offer strategies to evaluate and improve farm estate and transition plans. This four-session series will be held in two locations: Jan 21 & 28 at the SCC Learning Center in Falls City and Feb 4 and 11 at the 4H building in Auburn. The registration fee for in-person attendance is $60 before Jan. 13 and increases to $75 on or after Jan. 13. A virtual option is available for $75.
Register Now2025 Crop Production Clinics
Practical, profitable, environmentally sound, high-impact training for agricultural professionals and producers focusing on:
Soil Fertility
Soil Water & Irrigation
Insect Pests
Plant Diseases
Cropping Systems
Agribusiness Management and Marketing
Local Interest
Interested in 4-H?
4-H is a youth development program empowering youth with skills to lead for a lifetime. 4-H is not just for farm kids showing farm animals at the county fair. 4-H is for everyone. All year there are contests, workshops, club meetings and more. See what 4-H has to offer through a learn by doing approach.
Information on 4-HEnrollment in 4-H is open
Enrollment in 4-H is open. Youth ages 5-18 by December 31st are eligible to participate. Youth must be enrolled by June 15th or before participating in a contest or shooting sports practice.