Exhibits are pre-entered. online. Pre-entries are due to Extension Office by 4:00 p.m., July 17th, 2024.  Paper forms are below if you prefer that to online submission.


Exhibit Hall Entry Form
Cloverkid Entry Form

Entry day is Wednesday, July 31st, 2024, between 9:00 A.M - Noon.

Choose from 1 of 4 diffferent levels that build on skills and knowledge from the previous level

All food entries require the recipe to be included with the exhibit
All food preservation entries require a 4-H Food Preservation Card attached to the entry (and recipe)

4-H Food Preservation Card printable
4-H Food Preservation Card PDF fill-in

County Fairbook
State Fair

Cooking 101

  • Learn how to use MyPlate
  • Learn how to avoid spreading germs while cooking
  • Learn how to measure and mix ingredients
  • Learn how to test baked goods for doneness
  • Learn how to brown meat
  • Learn how to set the table for a family meal

Cooking 201

  • Understand and prevent foodborne illnesses
  • Learn how to thaw foods
  • Learn proper knife techniques
  • Learn how to read Nutrition Fact labels
  • Learn how to make soups, rice, pasta, and other foods

Cooking 301

  • Practice making bread, grilling meats, vegetables, and fruit
  • Learn how to and practice making butter
  • Learn about yeast, gluten, and different types of fats

Cooking 401

  • Learn about herbs and spices
  • Learn how to make ethnic foods
  • Practice making cakes, candy, pastries, and pies

Curriculum for each level can be ordered from Shop4h.org

Cooking 101 Curriculum
Cooking 201 Curriculum
Cooking 301 Curriculum
Cooking 401 Curriculum


Unit 1 Freezing Project Manual

  • Learn how to safely freeze foods and maintain quality
  • Learn how to use frozen foods in healthy recipes

Unit 2 Drying Project Manual

  • Learn how to safely dry foods and maintain quality
  • Learn how to use dried foods in healthy recipes

Unit 3 Boiling Water Canning Project Manual

  • Learn how to safely preserve fruits, tomatoes, fruit spreads, and pickles
  • Learn how to use home-canned foods in healthy recipes

Unit 4 Pressure Canning Project Manual

  • Learn how to safely preserve tomatoes, vegetables, and meats
  • Learn how to use home-canned foods in healthy recipes

Curriculum for each level can be ordered from Shop4h.org

Home Food Preservation Curriculum - Drying Project Manual
Home Food Preservation Curriculum - Boiling Water Canning Project Manual
Home Food Preservation Curriculum - Pressure Canning Project Manual
Home Food Preservation Curriculum - Freezing Project Manual

For more information on Food preservation and safe preservation practices