The Food, Nutrition and Health program is focused on improving nutrition, physical activity, and food safety outcomes for Nebraskans. The Food Website is a pioneer in connecting all the Extension food-related areas of a university under one umbrella website.

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Food, Nutrition & Health

Summer is here!  Need ideas to help your family make the most of these summer days? Check out the following tips and resources for making this summer fun, healthy, and active!  Visit for healthy tips and recipes for the whole family!

Know the proper food safety and precuations during power outages and floods.
       Food and Water Safety During Power Outages and Floods
For more on food safety after a storm, visit

Go Nutrition and Physical Activity Self- Assessment for Child Care (NAP SACC) is designed to promote healthy child development by supporting healthy eating and physical activity for the children in your care. Go NAP SACC focuses on 5 main health areas: breastfeeding & infant feeding, child nutrition, infant & child physical activity, outdoor play & learning and screen time. It is designed for providers that care for children from the ages of birth to 5 years old.