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Mapping is a Key Part of Spring Leafy Spurge Control Strategy

Latest Updates from beef.unl.edu - Thu, 05/18/2023 - 16:41
Thursday, June 1, 2023

The bright yellow-green of leafy spurge can put a damper on the joy of spring green-up. The noxious weed is especially noticeable in early June. That’s also one of the best times to invest the time and money into controlling leafy spurge.

Unfortunately, a single treatment will not control leafy spurge once established, so continued monitoring and retreatment is needed. An effective strategy is pairing spring applications that prevent seed production with a fall treatment to control new growth.


Major Nebraska Rivers and Their Drainages: Part 3

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Thu, 05/18/2023 - 15:48
Part 3 of the Nebraska Rivers series focuses on the Loup River drainage system, which originates in the Sandhills. (Photo by Gary Stone) Part 3 of the Nebraska Rivers series focuses on the Loup River drainage system, which originates in the Sandhills.

Keeping Stress in Check: 10 Strategies and Tools

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Thu, 05/18/2023 - 14:43
Simple things like spending time with your pet or listening to your favorite music can help reduce stress and improve your overall health. For more help coping with difficult times, see these Stress Resources. Nebraska Extension Educator Glennis McClure shares examples of strategies that may help producers cope during stressful times.

Wheat Disease Update for May 18, 2023

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Thu, 05/18/2023 - 13:18
Figure 1. A wheat field in Fillmore County in southeast Nebraska on May 17. There were no foliar diseases and emergence was uniform, but plants were much shorter than normal due to inadequate soil moisture. (Photo by Stephen Wegulo) Though stripe rust has been sighted in southern Kansas wheat fields, there have been no signs of disease in Nebraska wheat as of yet.

Estimated Crop Water Use for May 15-21, 2023

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Thu, 05/18/2023 - 12:25

The crop water use report is updated weekly. Visit PHREC AgLab for more information.

Estimated crop water use for Nebraska Panhandle crops for the week of May 15.

Free Farm and Ag Law Clinics Set for June

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Thu, 05/18/2023 - 12:13
Though the farm finance and ag law clinics are offered monthly at sites across Nebraska, remote sessions are another option — call the number below to arrange a one-on-one meeting via phone or virtual platform. If you can't attend one of the two dates scheduled for free, in-person farm and ag law clinics in March, virtual/phone options are also available anytime. 

Dryness Continues into April, Temperatures Slightly Above Normal

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Wed, 05/17/2023 - 18:10
April's total precipitation was well below normal in Nebraska, resulting in worsening drought conditions and the fifth driest April for the state since 1895.

Fertilizer-nitrogen Injury to Corn

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Wed, 05/17/2023 - 16:00
Figure 1. Departure from normal precipitation during last six months in Nebraska. Nebraska Extension recommendations on minimizing crop injury from anhydrous ammonia applications.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Wheat Grazing vs. Grain Value, Choosing Summer Forage

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Tue, 05/16/2023 - 17:32
Whether cereal plant forages are grazed out, hayed or harvested as wheatlage this year, the goal is to timely plant subsequent summer annuals between mid-May to mid-June for optimizing yields. This week — Recommendations for producers considering wheat for forage, including varieties and planting timelines for summer annual grasses, plus tips on control measures for poison hemlock.

USDA Mails 2023 Agricultural Resource Management Survey

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Tue, 05/16/2023 - 14:42
For more statistics on Nebraska agriculture, visit USDA NASS. In 2023, the survey will take a closer look at barley, oat, peanut and soybean production in the United States.

Nebraska Winter Wheat Crop Production for May 2023

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Tue, 05/16/2023 - 14:13
Historical crop production reports for Nebraska are available at USDA. Nebraska's 2023 winter wheat crop is forecast at 33.0 million bushels, up 26% from last year's crop.

USDA Seeks Feedback from Producers about 2023 Crops, Stocks, Inventories and Values

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Tue, 05/16/2023 - 13:53
Historical acreage and grain stock reports for Nebraska are available at USDA. Data from the surveys will be used to estimate the supply of major commodities in the U.S. for the 2023 crop year.

Crop Progress: Widespread Rainfall Causes Minimal Delay for Planting

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Tue, 05/16/2023 - 13:41
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA. Corn and soybean planting were still well ahead of average pace as of May 14, despite several rainfall events throughout the state last week.

Dimensionar e instalar una estructura para sombra

Latest Updates from beef.unl.edu - Tue, 05/16/2023 - 10:20
Thursday, April 27, 2023

Con el invierno desvaneciéndose a regañadientes en el espejo retrovisor, esos días calurosos de finales de primavera y verano no están muy lejos aquí en las planicies Centrales.  Ciertamente, no es demasiado pronto para echar otro vistazo al papel que puede desempeñar la sombra en la limitación del estrés por calor en el ganado.  Considere lo publicado en estudios supervisados por el Dr. Terry Mader (ahora especialista retirado en corrales de engorde de UNL).

Spanish: Spanish

Nuevas restricciones de antibióticos a la vuelta de la esquina

Latest Updates from beef.unl.edu - Tue, 05/16/2023 - 09:23
Monday, May 1, 2023

La guía de la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA, por sus siglas en inglés) para la industria entra en vigencia en junio de 2023, pero ¿qué significa eso para los ganaderos?

Spanish: Spanish

Practique la precaución con las garrapatas para evitar contraer alergia a la carne roja

Latest Updates from beef.unl.edu - Tue, 05/16/2023 - 09:10
Monday, May 1, 2023

La primavera es un momento apropiado para informarnos sobre garrapatas. Estos insectos pueden estar activos durante todo el año si las temperaturas están por encima del punto de congelación, pero mayo y junio son los meses en que las personas recogen la mayoría de las garrapatas.  Hay tres especies de garrapatas establecidas en Nebraska que transmiten y propagan enfermedades a humanos y animales, incluida la garrapata “Lone Star” (estrella solitaria).

Spanish: Spanish

Por qué el pastoreo antes de que el pastizal natural esté listo puede tener impactos duraderos y cómo limitar el daño

Latest Updates from beef.unl.edu - Tue, 05/16/2023 - 08:53
Friday, April 28, 2023 Resista la tentación de pastorear antes de que el pastizal esté listo y tenga cuidado si no hay otra opción. Las prácticas de gestión del pastizal usadas ahora pueden tener impactos duraderos.Spanish: 

Resistencia a la mosca de los cuernos

Latest Updates from beef.unl.edu - Mon, 05/15/2023 - 10:59
Monday, May 1, 2023

Por Dave Boxler, educador de extensión de Nebraska
Traducido por Pablo Loza, especialista en feedlot, UNL

Independientemente de su elección de producto de control de moscas de ganado y método de aplicación, planifique la resistencia. Por ejemplo, muchas poblaciones de moscas de los cuernos en Nebraska exhiben un nivel de resistencia a los insecticidas piretroides sintéticos. 

Spanish: Spanish

Dimensionar e instalar una estructura para sombra

Latest Updates from beef.unl.edu - Mon, 05/15/2023 - 10:28
Monday, May 1, 2023

Rick Stowell, Especialista de Extensión en Medio Ambiente Animal
Traducido por Pablo Loza, especialista en Feedlot, UNL

Spanish: Spanish