Nebraska Extension Cow Clinics focus on keys to a successful calving and breeding season
Cowherd expansion considerations
Fall and Winter Management Strategies for the Cow Herd – Sample, Test, Inventory and Stage Harvested Hay
Avoiding Prussic Acid Poisoning in Grazing: When and How to Use a Quick Test
Is My Forage Sorghum, Sorghum x Sudangrass, or Sudangrass Safe to Graze?
Annual forages like sorghum, sorghum x -sudangrass, and sudangrass can accumulate nitrates, which should be evaluated before grazing. However, another potential risk is prussic acid poisoning (cyanide), which can be lethal if ingested.
Spanish:Winter Management Options for Weaned Calves
Many spring-born calves weaned in the fall are backgrounded through the winter prior to grazing summer grass or feedlot entry. There are many management options to consider for weaned calves depending on feed resources, labor, and subsequent management strategies.
Cornstalk residue and winter range
Spanish:2024 Beef Innovation Workshop
Great Plains Rooms B-C, East Campus, Lincoln
Workshop goals
Spanish:Test, don’t guess: Sampling and testing hay
Accurately sampling and testing hay is the only way to get a real understanding of the nutritive value of feed. Using values from previous years or a “book value” can be costly since a producer may incorrectly develop a ration using values that aren’t representative.
Guidelines for sampling
Spanish:Many Beef Cows and Their Calves May Not Be Getting Enough Vitamin A in Their Diets
A new research article in Applied Animal Science details how beef cows and calves maintained in confinement and fed brown stored forages combined with grain or grain byproducts may not be getting sufficient amounts of vitamin A.
Spanish:How Grazing Corn Residue Affects the Soil
Simple Synchronization of Cows - One Injection, One Time through the Chute, and Bull Breed
Have you wanted to have more calves born earlier in your calving season, but did not want to deal with the increase in labor, cost and facilities to utilize estrus synchronization and artificial insemination? The protocol shown (Figure 1.) can increase the number of cows coming into estrus early in the breeding season, with one time through the chute, one injection, and breeding using only natural service.
Spanish:Saying goodbye to metal bangs tags and hello to EID tags
If your heifers are bangs tagged, those orange metal clips will soon be a relic of the past. Starting November 5, 2024, your veterinarian will not be tagging with metal clips, but instead will use electronic identification (EID) tags.
Veterinarians used metal clips to identify heifers receiving the brucellosis vaccine (“bangs”), and to identify animals moving between states.
Spanish:Determining a Fair Rent for Farm Buildings
Recognizing Economic Risk on the Ranch
Economic and financial risks on the ranch go hand in hand with other risks facing the operation.
Spanish:Details & Registration for Upcoming Online Learning Opportunities
Plan Now to Purchase Your Hay Supplies
Hay production has been reported to be 50% of average or less in many areas of Nebraska. The U.S. hay supply is at a 50-year low (Table 1). Couple this information with rising costs (Figure 1) and it becomes prudent to plan fall, winter, and next spring’s hay needs sooner rather than later. Inventory your feed and hay resources now to know what you need. Checking prices and availability now will go a long way to reducing the anxiety of what we will feed our cows this fall and winter.
Spanish:Hold the Net Wrap and Twine
UNL Heifer Development Center First Year Wrap-up
With the U.S. cowherd at historic lows, the University of Nebraska—Lincoln is focusing on how to grow the cowherd while advancing the quality of female genetics that are the foundation of the U.S. beef industry.
Spanish:Sustainable beef, early childhood projects lead Grand Challenges awards
Bold, audacious research ideas that will improve the lives of current and future generations of Nebraskans have been funded through the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Grand Challenges Catalyst Competition.
Chancellor Rodney D. Bennett and Sherri Jones, interim vice chancellor for research and innovation, announced nine new Grand Challenges projects Sept. 3. Projects include two catalyst awards and seven planning grants.