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Why Larkspur is Dangerous for Cattle and How to Manage It

Wed, 07/26/2023 - 13:42
Tuesday, August 1, 2023

As a result of this year’s wet weather in areas of Nebraska, ranchers and land managers can expect some changes in weed species abundance in range and pastures. Larkspur is one weed that’s showing up and causing some problems. At the Panhandle Research, Extension and Education Center in Scottsbluff we have had more phone calls and in-person visits from ranchers regarding larkspur management in the last month than we have in the previous five years combined.


What are Your Options with Wet Hay?

Wed, 07/26/2023 - 11:56
Tuesday, August 1, 2023 Top 5 Takeaways
  • Wet bales are at risk for combustion; store appropriately and check temperatures. Anything above 170°F is high risk.
  • Mold may produce mycotoxins, so roll out and let animals select good portions of moldy bales. Make sure other clean feed is available.
  • Protect yourself from respiratory issues while working with moldy bales by using a dust mask.
  • Hay testing is especially important when hay quality and safety are concerns.

Don’t Get Caught Off Guard, Be Prepared to Beat the Heat

Sat, 07/22/2023 - 15:34
Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Summer is officially here, and temperatures are beginning to heat up across the nation. With increasing temperatures, special attention is needed when it comes to mitigating heat, especially those animals being housed in a dry lot. While some only consider temperature when assessing the effects of heat, other environmental factors such as humidity, air movement, and solar radiation contribute to the heat load cattle experience.


Is That Corn Crop Worth More as Silage or Grain?

Sat, 07/22/2023 - 15:18
Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Ongoing dry and drought conditions in many parts of the state are supporting hay and forage prices as we look towards this fall. Perennial dryland hay production in many parts of Nebraska has been less than average. Forage production on rangeland and pasture in central and eastern Nebraska is, in many situations, significantly less than average. This diminished production is going to result in less fall and winter grazing.   


What Will You Do with Profits?

Sat, 07/22/2023 - 15:10
Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Cow-calf producers are looking at the potential for significant profits for 2023 due to high calf prices. This income may give cow-calf producers the rare opportunity to invest capital back into the ranch.

The following are options, in no particular order, to consider when thinking about and planning for investments into the ranch or cow-calf enterprise.


Don't use tanks that have been used to haul fertilizer for hauling drinking water for cattle

Tue, 07/11/2023 - 10:31
Saturday, July 11, 2015

Tanks that are used to haul nitrogen-based fertilizer should not be used to transport drinking water for cattle as there is a risk of poisoning. Any nitrogen remaining in the tank can potentially cause nitrate or non-protein nitrogen (urea) toxicosis in ruminants (depending on form of fertilizer).


The Changing Cost of Cattle Transportation

Fri, 06/30/2023 - 14:57
Saturday, July 1, 2023

There has been lots of commentary among consumers about gas prices as we unofficially head into summer. Nationally, regular gasoline prices had begun slowly to come off of their all-time highs of $5.01 per gallon in June 2022, to a new low of $3.09 per gallon in January 2023. Prices have risen steadily over the last several months, to $3.57 per gallon, as of the last week in May 2023. Higher gasoline prices tend to reduce travel as total costs for vacations and trips increase. Ultra-low-sulfur diesel has also come down from its high of $5.78 per gallon in June 2022.


Considerations for Early Pregnancy Diagnosis and Early Weaning this Summer and Fall

Fri, 06/30/2023 - 14:18
Saturday, July 1, 2023

With areas across the state either dealing with drought or wet conditions, cow management and limited forage resources may have producers considering options for early weaning and utilizing early pregnancy detection to help make culling and management decisions this year.


How to Increase Water Access for Feedlot Cattle in Hot Weather

Fri, 06/30/2023 - 13:45
Saturday, July 1, 2023

The use of shades in feedlots has made a big difference in the effects of heat on fat cattle, but a few other strategies can help keep cattle cool, enabling cattle to keep gaining, even in the dog days of summer.


Nebraska Grazing Conference

Fri, 06/30/2023 - 11:11
Saturday, July 1, 2023

The 2023 Nebraska Grazing Conference will be held August 8 and 9 at the Younes Conference Center in Kearney, NE.  This year’s conference features speakers highlighting Grazing Lands Conservation, Emerging Issues in Grazing Lands, and Precision Livestock Management. The featured banquet speaker for the Conference is Curt Pate.


Annual Forage Options for July or August Planting

Thu, 06/29/2023 - 16:57
Saturday, July 1, 2023

If planting in July, warm season annual grasses are good options for forage production. They can be used to produce hay, silage, green chop, or grazing both during the summer or winter. However, if the desired use is winter grazing and the need is for high quality forage, then delaying planting until late July/early August and using cool-season winter sensitive species like oats may be a better fit. This article provides information on species selection and some key management considerations based on desired use.


Gudmundsen Sandhills Laboratory Open House

Thu, 06/29/2023 - 16:00
Saturday, July 1, 2023

The 24th annual University of Nebraska–Lincoln Gudmundsen Sandhills Laboratory (GSL) Open House will be held on Wednesday, August 23, 2023. This year’s Open House will be a hybrid format with our traditional in-person event held at GSL along with being live streamed online as a webinar.


Barta Brothers Open House

Thu, 06/29/2023 - 15:20
Saturday, July 1, 2023

The University of Nebraska is hosting an open house at the Barta Brothers Ranch on July 25th from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. The Barta Brothers Ranch is a 6,000-acre property donated to the University of Nebraska by Clifford and James Barta in 1996. The ranch has housed a variety of research projects over the years including studies on Sandhills’ biocomplexity and a 20-year-long grazing systems production survey. One of the newest research projects, commonly referred to as CAM (collaborative adaptive management), will be the primary focus of the open house.


What does summer pneumonia look like in calves, and what to do about it?

Thu, 06/29/2023 - 14:47
Saturday, July 1, 2023

Though the stress of calving season is behind us, cattle producers have to stay vigilant, because things like nursing calf pneumonia and pinkeye can take a lot of the fun out of baseball games and county fairs. Let’s take a quick look at summer/nursing-calf pneumonia.


How much water do cattle need and what water problems should cattle producers watch for?

Mon, 06/19/2023 - 16:32
Monday, June 19, 2023

Water quantity and quality is critical to cattle health and performance.  Hot weather and drought conditions can impact both water quality and quantity for cattle.  


How much water do cattle need and what water problems should cattle producers watch for?

Mon, 06/19/2023 - 16:31
Monday, June 19, 2023

Water quantity and quality is critical to cattle health and performance.  Hot weather and drought conditions can impact both water quality and quantity for cattle.  


Nebraska Stocker/Yearling Tour Features Skavdahl Ranch Near Harrison

Tue, 05/30/2023 - 15:39
Thursday, June 1, 2023

Sell cows or buy feed? That’s the question most ranchers face when drought hits. The best time to plan for drought is in a wet year, and one of the best ways to plan for drought is to build flexibility into a cattle operation.


Pasture Grasshoppers

Tue, 05/30/2023 - 15:09
Thursday, June 1, 2023

Much of Nebraska has had several years of below normal precipitation, which may allow grasshoppers to become a problem.


Stable Flies on Pastured Cattle

Tue, 05/30/2023 - 14:20
Thursday, June 1, 2023

Stable flies aren’t just an annoyance. They cause reduced average daily gain, and it may take as few as four flies per leg to cause economic injury. Animals bunching to fight stable flies damage forage, and on fragile soils, may create blow outs.

How do you know when you’re dealing with stable flies?

Animals fighting stable flies may display a variety of behaviors, including


Face Flies on Pastured Cattle

Tue, 05/30/2023 - 13:44
Thursday, June 1, 2023

Face flies can carry pinkeye and eyeworms, and cause millions of dollars of economic damage every year.

One to five face flies per eye per day can cause serious ocular lesions that mimic the symptoms of bovine pinkeye. Mechanical damage, whether sustained by face fly mouth parts, dust, weed, pollen, or excessive sunlight, predisposes the eye for infection and increases epithelial discharges.
