Feed aggregator

Cornhusker Economics: Accrual Accounting and the Farm Business

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Wed, 12/11/2019 - 11:21
This article explains conceptual frameworks and two accrual accounting principles: namely, the revenue recognition principle and the matching principle.

2019 Fed Steer Challenge Results

Latest Updates from Statewide 4-H - Wed, 12/11/2019 - 10:28

The 4-H Fed Steer Challenge completed the inaugural year of the program this week. The goal of the program is to enhance the educational value of the traditional 4-H beef projects by providing an affordable option that rewards production merit and carcass value of the market animal, along with accurate and complete record-keeping, industry knowledge, and producer engagement by the 4-H member.

Thank you to 4+ Feeders out of Lexington for serving as the producer which supplied the steers this year. Thank you also to: The Nebraska Cattlemen Foundation, The Marilyn Schmidt Ag Outreach Program, and the Nebraska 4-H Foundation for sponsoring awards and educational expenses for the program.

Those youth completing the 2019 4-H Fed Steer Challenge are:

  • Chase Bartels, Saline County
  • Katrina Beel, Brown County
  • Moriah Beel, Brown County
  • Logan Buhrman, Cuming County
  • Tyler Dunburg, Kearney County
  • Lydia Fitzke, Adams County
  • Sydney May, Hamilton County
  • Kelsee Moffatt, Garden County
  • John O'Dea, Red Willow County
  • Ty Ostendorf, Howard County
  • Lacey Schmidt, Thayer County
  • Leah Schmidt, Thayer County
  • Braden Schulte, Buffalo County
  • Spencer Walahoski, Dawson County

The participants competed in multiple categories including Growth Performance (ADG), Carcass Merit, Record Book, and Final Showcase Presentation. Category scores were tabulated and awarded at the 2019 Nebraska Cattlemen Convention held in Kearney, NE on December 5th.

Growth Performance refers to the average daily gain of the animal from the time they were selected to the time of harvest. Top 3 Growth Performance category winners are:

  1. Spencer Walahoski
  2. Katrina Beel
  3. Kelsee Moffatt

Carcass merit scores were based first on the grid price received and second on the total value of the carcass. Top 3 Carcass Merti category winners are:

  1. Spencer Walahoski
  2. Lydia Fitzke
  3. Leah Schmidt

Record books were scored on completeness of records and the ability to show growth in knowledge of their project and the beef industry. Top 3 Record Book category winners are:

  1. Leah Fitzke
  2. Logan Burhman
  3. Kelsee Moffatt

Final Showcase Presentations were hosted at the Nebraska Cattlemen Convention where youth were asked to put together a display to highlight their project. There they were interviewed and scored based on knowledge of, as well as creativity in highlighting the project. Top 3 Showcase Presentation category winners are:

  1. Spencer Walahoski
  2. Tyler Danburg
  3. Kelsee Moffatt

Out top five Overall category winners receive a cash award as well as a $500 scholarship to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln College of Ag Sciences and Natural Resources. Nebraska 4-H Fed Steer Challenge Overall winners are:

  1. Spencer Walahoski
  2. Kelsee Moffatt
  3. Logan Buhrman
  4. Lydia Fitzke
  5. Tyler Danburg

A big congratulations to all the participants who complete the Nebraska 4-H Fed Steer Challenge. The Fed Steer Challenge program will continue in 2020. For more information, visit the 4-H Fed Steer Challenge webpage. 

4-H Fed Steer Challenge

Pesticide Training Requirements, Opportunities Continue to Grow

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Tue, 12/10/2019 - 15:40
Nebraska Extension Pesticide Safety Education Program training helps keep people, animals, plants and non-targets safe. Statewide training runs January through April.

New Pesticide Training FlipBooks Offer Convenience, Cost-Savings

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Tue, 12/10/2019 - 15:10
New, state-of-the-art digital manuals, or FlipBooks, are now available for Nebraska commercial/noncommercial applicators seeking initial certification to use restricted use pesticides (RUPs).

Variety Test Plot Results from Nebraska Sorghum Growers

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Fri, 12/06/2019 - 11:09
Results from the Nebraska Grain Sorghum Producers variety test show yields ranging from 87.23 to 129.75 bu/ac. Mike Baker, chair of the Nebraska Sorghum Board, conducted the trial and discusses this year's conditions.

Grain Sorghum Research in Western Nebraska

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Thu, 12/05/2019 - 14:49
Figure 1. Grain sorghum variety trial at the Henry J. Stumpf International Wheat Center near Grant, Nebraska, summer 2019.

Confronting Cropping Challenges Program Starts Dec. 16

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Thu, 12/05/2019 - 12:10
Figure 1. Thistle caterpillar feeding will be one topic covered at the Confronting Cropping Challenges meetings. (Photo by Aaron Nygren) Farmers in northeast Nebraska will have an opportunity to learn from cropping issues they may have faced in 2019, make plans for 2020, and renew their private pesticide applicator license at the Confronting Cropping Challenges programs Dec. 16-20.

Keeping Routines is the Secret to a Calm Holiday

Latest Updates from child.unl.edu - Wed, 12/04/2019 - 21:30

Photo source, Lynn DeVries

As I sit in the warmth and quiet of my home, I see the posts, advertisements, and the excitement of Black Friday shopping. And it starts, the traveling, special programs, shopping, parties and holiday gatherings.  It can take a toll on us all, especially our young children.

Children are even more sensitive to disruptions in their routines. However fun the activity or event may be, parents may observe more displays of behaviors or moodiness from their children during the holidays. Structured routines help children to feel safe and predict what is happening around them. Children learn how to control themselves and their surroundings when they live in a structured, secure, and loving environment. This feeling of security fosters healthy social and emotional regulation in young children.

Tips for a healthy holiday:

Sleep well

A regular schedule will help children sleep better at night and they are less resistive to transitioning to going to bed. Parents can help by sticking to routines and bedtimes that are as consistent as possible during the holidays. Perhaps reading a bedtime story to children after bath time.

Regular meal times

It is best if children eat at predictable times to avoid those “hangry” moments.  Offer a healthy breakfast and small healthy snacks between meals. Eating at the table instead of in front of the television, will reduce overeating, as children can focus on how hungry or full they feel. I recommend family style meals where caregivers sit with and eat the same foods as children.  When children are ready, allow them to serve themselves. They will be more likely to try new foods if given choices.


For those long car or airplane trips, bring along a comfort item like a stuffed animal or a busy bag of books, paper and crayons. Mornings seem to be better for children, consider traveling in the morning, and making stops for meals at regular times. I recommend scheduling extra time on road trips to stop and allow children a break from their car safety seats.

Active times

If children are home from school or childcare over the holidays, remember to keep them active.  Build in time for outdoor activities so children can be physically active. If the weather doesn’t allow outdoor time each day, be sure some indoor time allows for physical activity.  Have an indoor paper snowball fight, or build a fort with blankets. Planning out a specific time each day during winter break for an activity will become part of their routine while children are at home.

Limit Screen time

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) states, “Today’s children are spending an average of seven hours a day on entertainment media, including televisions, computers, phones and other electronic devices. To help kids make wise media choices, parents should develop a Family Media Use Plan for everyone in their family.”

I recommend focusing on laps instead of apps. Instead of reaching for a digital “babysitter,” offer more of your time and attention.  What might be seen as attention getting behaviors, could simply be your child’s attempt at wanting more connection with you.

 Photo source, Lynn DeVries

Screen time recommendations:

  • For children younger than 18 months, avoid use of screen media other than video-chatting. Parents of children 18 to 24 months of age who want to introduce digital media should choose high-quality programming, and watch it with their children to help them understand what they’re seeing.
  • For children ages 2 to 5 years, limit screen use to 1 hour per day of high-quality Parents should co-view media with children to help them understand what they are seeing and apply it to the world around them.

Check out this Media time plan and calculator by the American Academy of Pediatrics, to help you set your own family guidelines.

Transition back to school

As the holiday break ends, if you did stray from routines, help your child adjust by gradually getting back on schedule to similar meal, and bedtime schedules that they will have at childcare or school.

In closing, my wish for you is that you have a safe, happy and healthy holiday with your family. Take time to enjoy the little things and laugh together.


Peer Reviewed by Leanne Manning, , Lisa Poppe, and LaDonna Werth, Extension Educators, The Learning Child

Make sure to follow The Learning Child on social media for more research-based early childhood education resources!


North Central Nebraska Women in Ag to Meet Dec. 16

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Wed, 12/04/2019 - 11:10
The new North Central Nebraska Women in Ag program for female agriculture landowners, farmers, ranchers will meet Dec. 16 in Valentine.

Why Prepare and Use Crop Budgets?

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Wed, 12/04/2019 - 09:45
The 2020 Crop Production Budgets for Nebraska are now available to aid producers understand and plan for the financial health of their crops operations. There are 80 budgets for 15 crops, available in both PDF and Excel formats.