What is 4-H?
4-H is a youth development organization that provides experiential learning for young people across the world. Through this "learn by doing" approach, 4-H youth learn leadership, citizenship and life skills that empower them for a lifetime. 4-H encourages youth to reach their full potential through learning experiences, completing projects, developing community, and volunteering.
In Nebraska, 4-H is provided through Nebraska Extension in cooperation with county governing boards, the University of Nebraska, and the United States Department of Agriculture. Through these strong partnerships, Extension Staff are able to deliver 4-H and other agriculture and community services to youth, families, and producers across the state.
The 4-H program runs from October to September. Our online enrollment portal opens annually in mid to late October.
Enrollment deadline is June 15th. This includes re-enrollment, new enrollments and new volunteer enrollments. Youth who miss the enrollment deadline may be allowed to exhibit/show for participation ribbons only, they may not be awarded any prize money and may not be eligible for awards or be selected for state fair. Late enrollments must be approved by the 4-H Foundation. Please use the link below to enroll or re-enroll. You can also find step by step guides to the enrollment process. Select the Enrollment Resource Description that best describes your situation. As always, please contact the Extension office, (402) 852-2970, with any questions.
To enroll: visit 4HONLINE.COM
More about Pawnee County 4-H
How old do you have to be to enroll in 4-H?
- Clover Kids enroll at age 5 (as of Dec. 31st of current year)
- Regular 4-Hers enroll at age 8 to 18 (as of Dec. 31st of current year)
Do youth, leaders, and volunteers all need to re-enroll each year?
Yes, visit 4honline.com to register as a youth, leader and/or volunteer.
If there a fee to join 4-H?
No, not in Pawnee County.
What are the benefits of being in a 4-H club?
There are many benefits of being in a club; friendship and fellowship, opportunity for leadership development, plus strides in self-confidence, learning to work with others, and communication skills. Problem solving, citizenship, expanded horizons, organizational skills, respect for and from others, patience, tolerance, and real-world experience! The club leader will help you with decision making, keep you informed about project announcements and deadlines, and will be a great encouragement! You can also join 4-H as an independent member!
How many 4-H clubs are active in Pawnee County?
There are three 4-H clubs in Pawnee County.
- Flying Tigers
- The Flying Tigers 4-H Club is led by Jill Sasse.
- Freedom Riders
- The Freedom Riders 4-H Club is led by Lisa Hunzeker.
- Little Wranglers
- The Freedom Riders 4-H Club is led by Mike & Deb Wilcox.
If you are interested in joining a Pawnee County club, please call the Extension Office at (402) 852-2970 and we will give you information.