Crop producers — learn about several hot topics from university and industry experts at Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County’s “Successful Farmer Series.” Sessions will be held on Thursdays, Nov. 30, Dec. 7 and Jan. 4 at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln. Each session will also be livestreamed and archived on YouTube.
Multiple sessions and topics allow producers to pick the topics most relevant to them and their operation. Cost is $10 per session or $20 for the entire series. Refreshments will be provided. No cost to watch online.
Each topic will feature two to three speakers from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln or related organizations. Industry experts are invited to attend and address more specific questions, or interact with attendees during the breaks. The Dec. 7 session will include a panel of local producers discussing innovations they are trying. The Successful Farmer Series is also a great opportunity to visit with other area producers in attendance.
CAA credits will be available at relevant sessions for certified crop advisors attending in person.
All sessions will be 9–11:30 a.m.
Thursday, Nov. 30 – Ag Policy and Marketing
Thursday, Dec. 7 – Weather & Climate Projections, Cover Crops and Farmer Panel
Thursday, Jan. 4 – Nitrogen Management Tools, Water Quality & Nitrate Management
Please register at least two days before each session.
Successful Farmer Series Registration Form
You may also register by contacting Karen Wedding at or 402-441-7180. Pay at the event with check (payable to Lancaster County Extension), cash or credit/debit card (small additional fee).