2023 Special Garden Project

This project is open to all youth of 4-H age and it will give them the opportunity to learn about growing, harvesting, and exhibiting this unique herb.
The Special Gardening Project lets 4-H members try their hand at growing unusual vegetables, flowers, and herbs. The project allows experienced 4-H gardeners to grow something fun, new, and different while letting those new to gardening get their feet wet in this project area.
The focus of the 2023 project is Mrs. Burns’ Lemon Basil. This herb can be used multiple ways. Lemon basil has a unique lemon flavor can be added to any recipe or to cut flower arrangements to add scent and interest.
4-H members enrolled in the Special Garden Project will:
  • Receive a ‘packet’ of Mrs. Burns’ Lemon Basil (one packet per youth) in March/April
  • Receive a newsletter about: Planting & growing basil, Basil problems & insects, Harvesting & using basil
  • Be able to exhibit this unique herb at County and State Fair. Each county is different so be sure to check with your local Extension Office.
  • Complete an evaluation about their growing experience: https://go.unl.edu/2023basileval.
Enroll for the 2023 Special Garden Project through 4-H Online and contact the 4-H Office.