Child & Youth Development

We Protect Staff, Volunteers & Youth - Nebraska Chaperone Training is available. It is located at the following site:    Please follow the directions below to access the training.

1. Under Course Categories - Click on 4-H & Youth
2. Scroll down and find:  We Protect Staff, Volunteers & Youth - Nebraska Chaperone Training Course and click on it
3. On the right hand side, find Fill Out the New Account Form and click on Create My New Account.
4. Complete the Create My New Account form, an email will be sent to you with instructions.
5. Follow the directions in the email.
6. The course requires an enrollment key.  The enrollment key is case sensitive:  NECHAP
7. Click on Enroll me in this course.
8. The course will open and should be self-explanatory.  The quiz and certificate are part of the course.

4-H Programs

Secrets of Service on the Job (formerly Character on the Job) - February  21 or 22, 2019 (Location and details TBD later) Letter and Registration have not been updated for 2019.

Real World Money - January 10 OR March 22 OR March 28 OR April 17, 2019 (different locations)


Connecting the Dots:  A Career Exploration Day

District Contests

Career Day 2018

4-H in Northeast District


Important Links