CropWatch is a central resource for University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension information on crop production and pest management. It is written by Extension Educators and Specialists and produced by IANR Media in the UNL Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Information is organized into two key areas, each of which offers thousands of crop-specific articles for Nebraska producers and crop consultants:

  • The CropWatch newsletter, which includes timely articles published to the site's home page. New issues are published weekly during the heart of the crop production season and generally biweekly during the remainder of the year. Older articles are archived for later review. CropWatch also includes:
    • Calendar of ag events and programs
    • Daily news and updates via Twitter at UNL_CropWatch (also displayed on the home page)
    • Ag decision-aid tools and resources from UNL Extension
    • Content tags at the end of individual stories to help you located related articles released since April 2016. Use the Search box in the top right of every page or the Archives to locate additional articles.