News about Drone Photography for 2018

Drone Capture Photography Exhibits

Posted:  Monday, June 25, 2018

Source: Danielle Dewees

Questions have been asked regarding drone captured images and whether or not these are eligible as photography exhibits at county fairs. Currently, there are no specific classes, rules or guidelines regarding drone photography. However, Rule D in the Photography section of the Fairbook
( says that photos may be taken with either a digital or film camera. So, at least for this year, as long as the actual camera attached to the drone is either film or digital then the photos may be exhibited in photography.

Of course, regardless of the device being used to capture images, youth will need to follow the all the rules and class guidelines in the Fairbook. So, photos should be entered in the class that is the most appropriate for that specific image. Youth should complete their data tags using the drone camera information, and clearly explain how a drone was used to capture the image in Question #2 on the data tag. The exhibit will need to follow all the dimension and matting rules in the Fairbook, as well. Additionally, the photos should be judged using the same scoresheet/rubric as the rest of the images in the class.