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PASE & Life Challenge results now available

Latest Updates from Statewide 4-H - Thu, 07/01/2021 - 13:38

The 2021 PASE and Life Challenge contest results are now available. Contests at this year's Premier Animal Science Event included livestock judging, poultry judging, meats judging, livestock skill-a-thon, and livestock quiz bowl. Eligible winners of these state-level contests also have the opportunity to advance to national competitions. Opportunities for youth at this year's Life Challenge event included the foods and nutrition challenge, design challenge, and adulting challenge. Congratulations to all the 4-H members from across the state who participated in the state-level contests held June 28-29 at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. 

2021 PASE & Life Challenge Results

Degree-days for Prediction of Western Bean Cutworm Flight

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Thu, 07/01/2021 - 10:54
The growth stage of corn during WBC flight is critical as moths prefer to lay their eggs on corn plants between the late whorl to early tassel stage. Survival of young WBC larvae is highest if they can feed on newly emerged tassel prior to moving into the ears.

Sparking Interest in STEM through Animals and Literacy

Latest Updates from child.unl.edu - Thu, 07/01/2021 - 08:00
Image Source: Jackie Steffen

What sparks your curiosity?  What sparks the curiosity of your children?  I would venture to guess that nature and animals might rank pretty high on the list of interests for you and the children you work with every day.  Using animals and nature with children is a wonderful opportunity to teach empathy, conservation and environmental stewardship.  Fortunately, Nebraska Extension has an exciting early childhood resource to share with you this year around animals and their habitats.  This year, we are thrilled to provide eight guides highlighting habitats such as the tundra, rainforest, and desert.

Image Source: Sarah Roberts

Nebraska Extension has created this great resource for parents, early childhood professionals, care takers, grandparents, and anyone who loves to read with young children that ties directly with local libraries’ summer reading programs.  Summer reading programs are taking place right now and the theme across the state is Tails and Tales.  Our STEM Imagination Guides are designed to provide several opportunities to connect with each year’s theme by featuring:

  • Familiar storybook suggestions:
    • The stories that have been selected for each guide are well-known stories and often children’s favorites.  It is okay if you child has already heard the story prior to taking part in the lesson.  Sharing a story multiple times helps children develop language and listening skills. 
  • Conversation starters:
    • When a two-way conversation is initiated with children during story time, participation in dialogic reading is encouraged.  Open-ended questions are provided in each lesson to foster dialogic reading which has tremendous academic and social-emotional benefits for young children. 
  • STEM connection experiments:
    • Children love finding out how things work through fun, hands-on projects.  The experiment included in each guide relates to the featured habitat and teaches a variety of STEM concepts that are engaging and educational.
  • Sensory explorations:
    • Sensory play stimulates children’s senses and is important for brain development.  During the suggested sensory activities, children use multiple senses which allows them to learn more from their experiences and retain more information.
  • Music and movement activities:
    • Research shows that music ignites all areas of child development and enhances skills for school readiness.  Not only is singing songs and playing games fun, but these activities also encourage self-expression and physical activity. 
  • Creative arts investigations:
    • When children create pictures of stories that they have read, comprehension improves and often motivates children to want to read and interact with books even more.  Art is an early form of communication.  Creative art suggestions allow children to express themselves and make meaningful connections with the stories.
  • Additional related readings:
    • Since each of the Imagination Guides focus on a different habitat, children often have additional questions and are interested in learning MORE!   Supplemental fiction and nonfiction books are suggested so children can expand their knowledge.
Image Source: Jackie Steffen

The STEM Imagination Guides can be utilized in a variety of ways.  No need to panic if you do not have access to the featured storybook.  Consider listening to the story online or sharing the story orally from memory.  Each Imagination Guide has a variety of options and can be customized to meet the needs and interests of the children in your care.  Incorporate all of the activities or just a few.  It is up to you!  The shared reading experience and creative play opportunities are sure to create an excitement for animals as well as foster a joy for reading.   

All of these resources are free and available for download and print at https://go.unl.edu/imagination.  This website also houses the previous year’s resources focusing on fairy tales.  This website is like a treasure chest of great literacy and STEM resources right at your fingertips.  All Imagination Guides, whether from this year or previous years can be utilized at no cost.  Enjoy this year’s habitat exploration!


Peer Reviewed by Amy Napoli, Assistant Professor & Early Childhood Extension Specialist and LaDonna Werth and Lynn DeVries Extension Educators, The Learning Child

Make sure to follow The Learning Child on social media for more research-based early childhood education resources!

2021 Corn Yield Forecasts: Approach and Interpretation of Results

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Wed, 06/30/2021 - 16:58
The Yield Forecasting Center (YFC) will provide real-time information on corn phenology and forecasts of corn yield potential every three weeks, starting in mid-July, to aid growers and ag industry in making management, logistics, and marketing decisions through the 2021 season.

Ag Carbon Credit Contract Checklist

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Tue, 06/29/2021 - 16:48
Get Lost Mike/Pexels

Free Farm and Ag Law Clinics Set for July

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Tue, 06/29/2021 - 16:10
With in-person meetings resuming, there are seven dates and locations set for free farm and ag law clinics in July.

Past BeefWatch Articles and Webinars to Help with Drought Related Decisions

Latest Updates from beef.unl.edu - Tue, 06/29/2021 - 15:10
Thursday, July 1, 2021

Are you getting enough rain?  What management decisions do you have in place if it stops raining? Below are some past BeefWatch articles and BeefWatch webinars that may help you with management decisions related to drought.


Pasture and Forage Minute: Grazing with the Weather

Latest Updates from beef.unl.edu - Tue, 06/29/2021 - 14:18
Thursday, July 1, 2021

Precipitation and temperature play major roles in pasture productivity, and knowing how to adjust grazing to match current conditions is key.  Are you shifting your management to meet recent weather?


Pasture and Forage Minute: Poisonous Pasture Plants

Latest Updates from beef.unl.edu - Tue, 06/29/2021 - 13:25
Thursday, July 1, 2021

While generally not as problematic in Nebraska compared to other western states, poisonous plants can exact their toll on livestock enterprises, and many times the losses are unrecognized. 


Managing Risk with Annual Forages

Latest Updates from beef.unl.edu - Tue, 06/29/2021 - 13:00
Thursday, July 1, 2021

Annual forages are a useful tool to help manage risk. From a crop management standpoint, they can be used to manage erosion risk and build more resilient soil profiles. From a livestock management standpoint, annual forages can provide a valuable source of additional feed resources. They can serve an important role in a cattle producer’s drought management plan and overall strategy for controlling feed costs.


Cattle Markets React to USDA Reports: Implications for Risk Management

Latest Updates from beef.unl.edu - Tue, 06/29/2021 - 10:24
Thursday, July 1, 2021

This article was first published in the June 2021 issue of The Nebraska Cattleman magazine.


Quality of Forage and Impacts on Intake and Animal Performance

Latest Updates from beef.unl.edu - Mon, 06/28/2021 - 18:54
Monday, June 28, 2021

As we progress into summer, forage quality can rapidly change depending on factors like rainfall, temperature, etc.  A good example of the dynamic interaction of rainfall and forage quality is shown in Table 1. In the Sandhills, 2002 and 2018 were drastically different in total precipitation; however, forage quality driven by forage growth and maturity in terms of crude protein were very similar in a drought or wet rainfall year.  Understanding these relationships is important in making proactive management decisions.


Gudmundsen Sandhills Laboratory Open House sponsored by Elanco

Latest Updates from beef.unl.edu - Mon, 06/28/2021 - 18:35
Thursday, July 1, 2021

The 22st annual University of Nebraska–Lincoln Gudmundsen Sandhills Laboratory (GSL) Open House will be held on Wednesday, August 25, 2021. This year’s Open House will be a hybrid format with our traditional in-person event held at GSL along with being live streamed online webinar. The online webinar will only cover the morning sustainability topics. 


Managing Risk with Annual Forages

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Thu, 06/24/2021 - 16:14
USDA NRCS Montana (Flickr/Public Domain)

FarmBits Podcast: Solving for N

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Thu, 06/24/2021 - 15:36
Hosted by Samantha Teten and Jackson Stansell — graduate students in UNL's Department of Biological Systems Engineering and Nebraska Extension Digital Agriculture team members — FarmBits Podcast is a weekly series highlighting new innovations and trends in digital agriculture through interviews with academic experts, farmers and industry specialists.

ET Resources

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Thu, 06/24/2021 - 13:04
ETgage installed near soybean field.