Summer Soy Institute and Field Trip
Why do we grow so many soybeans in Nebraska? When asked in a classroom, that question opens the door to exploring the Nebraska soybean story and learning why the crop is so important to our state and the world.
The Nebraska Soybean Board, UNL’s Agronomy & Horticulture department, CASNR’s Education and Career Pathways team, and Nebraska Extension partnered together to equip teachers with the tools to answer the soybean question and much more through the Summer Soybean Institute (SSI). Teachers who attended explored ways to get students excited about soybeans and become “Soybean Enthusiasts.”
The 2024 SSI professional development opportunity took place over the summer at two locations: UNL East Campus (Lincoln) and the University of Nebraska West Central Research, Extension and Education (North Platte). The Lincoln class spent some time in soybean plots and fields at the Eastern Nebraska Research, Extension and Education Center (ENREEC) as part of the training.

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Ag Literacy Festival
Every year 4th graders from area schools visit Saunders County to learn about all aspects of Agriculture.
Check out the video:
Great Plains Heifer Development Program at Haskell Ag Lab
Registration Open for 2025
Great Plains Heifer Development Program -
To learn more about heifer qualification guidelines,
health requirements to consign and more,
contact Connor Biehler at 402-624-8030