Youth interested in applying for state-level scholarships must make that designation on their application, as well as complete the additional section titled “Nebraska 4-H Foundation Scholarships.” Additional materials are required for youth applying for scholarships. These materials must be submitted digitally along with the completed Achievement Application. For more information about Nebraska 4-H Foundation scholarships, please visit:

Note for scholarship applicants only:
• Only the application review committee will have access to transcripts and test scores.

• Applications must be completed and submitted electronically.
• Limit responses in the “My Experiences” section to a maximum of four (4) pages, single-spaced, 12-point font. A fifth page is allowed for delegate applicants.
• In the selection process, significant accomplishments in your 4-H experience, leadership, community involvement, and career spark are given more consideration than the number of 4-H projects completed.
• Creativity is encouraged, use bullet lists, photos, infographics, etc. to help tell your 4-H story.
Answer the following items within a maximum of 4 pages. Please use headings (4-H Experiences, Leadership Experiences, Community Involvement/Service Learning Experiences, and Career Spark) to separate your responses. Creativity is encouraged, use bullet lists, photos, infographics, etc. to help tell your 4-H story. The items bulleted are suggestions of what might help us understand your involvement and learning.


Part 1
Describe your collective 4-H experience.
• Indicate the depth and breadth of your 4-H experience.
• Identify the number of years in the program.
• Identify program experiences in which you engaged.
• What skills have you learned as a result of being a part of the 4-H program?
• What have you learned about yourself as a result of being a part of 4-H?

Part 2
Describe your 4-H experience within the last 4-H year.
• What was your level of involvement?
• Identify 3 program experiences that you would consider a “highlight” of your year.
o Describe these experiences. What did you do? What was involved? Who was a part of this experience? Why did you want to participate? What was accomplished through this experience? What was your favorite part of the experience? What did you learn?
o How will this past year influence your future (i.e., 4-H experience, classroom experience, career, etc.)?


Part 1: 4-H Leadership Experiences
Describe your 4-H leadership experiences that have helped build your leadership skills.
• What type of leadership was it?
For example: Roles (Club President), Activities (4-H Lend a Hand Day), Experiences (Being a Junior Ambassador for my county).
When did these experiences occur?
• Identify your part in the experiences:
Duties you completed
Responsibilities you fulfilled
Skills you utilized
• What did you learn about leadership through these experiences?

Part 2: Non 4-H Leadership Experiences
Describe your Non 4-H leadership experiences that have helped build your leadership skills.
• What type of leadership was it? O
o For example: Roles (Youth Choir Jr. Director), Activities (Warrior Football Camp), and Experiences (Student Council Member).
• When did these experiences occur?
• Identify your part in the experiences: o Duties you completed
• Responsibilities you fulfilled
• Skills you utilized
• What did you learn about leadership through these experiences?

Describe two times you were involved in volunteer service to others and/or the community through 4-H or other opportunities.
• List the type of involvement
• When did the experiences occur?
• What were duties, responsibilities, and skills you used to be successful?
• What did you learn in each of your experiences?

Describe how your 4-H experiences have sparked your interest in a future career field.

2022 Scholarship Form