4-H Enrollment Information

4-H Online Enrollment is Open!  Club and independent members are required to officially enroll through 4-H Online each year to maintain membership. By enrolling by the deadline, youth have the opportunity to participate in county fairs, the Nebraska State Fair, and additional statewide opportunities and events.  Please use Google Chrome web browser to enroll in 4-H Online. 

  • Knox County Enrollment Deadline - 4-H Enrollment for ALL members, including Clover Kids, is due by June 15.  Youth can enroll anytime during the year, but all youth, including Clover Kids, must be enrolled with the Nebraska Extension 4-H Office in Knox County by June 15 and membership dues paid to the extension office to exhibit at the Knox County Fair or before competing any competitive 4-H events that year. Competitive events include all Pre-Fair Contests and Shooting Sports Contests. 
  • Membership Dues - 4-H membership dues are $5.00 per member and no cost per Clover Kid members. Make checks payable to the Knox County 4-H Council and either give to your club leader or send to the extension office. The dues are used for 4-H programming, supplemental insurance and scholarships in the county.   
  • 4-H enrollment is completed in 4H Online at this site https://v2.4honline.com
  • Passwords - If you have forgotten your password, use the “I forgot my password” option or contact the office. DO NOT set up a new profile.
  • Clubs and projects will need to be added back into profiles as they were cleared out at the state level.
  • Emergency Contact – please list someone other than a parent/guardian (bottom of the Additional Information screen). If a situation arises, we would like to have someone to contact if a parent/guardian cannot be reached.
  • Horse Project Release – youth and parent/guardian need to complete to participate in the horse project.
  • Shooting Sports Release – youth and parent/guardian need to complete to participate in any shooting sports project.
  • Codes of Conduct - When re-enrolling, please review the Volunteer and 4-H Youth/Parent/Guardian Codes of Conduct. Nebraska 4-H and the Knox County 4-H Program follow these codes. Links to the Codes of Conduct are below. 
  • Enrollment Instructions
  • What's the Difference Between 4-H Projects and Exhibits? - A project is centered around a topic of interest to members. Members can choose one or more topics to learn about.  There is a whole range of projects for 4-H members, everything from animals, to gardening, to safety, to food & nutrition and more! A project should include a series of learning experiences related to that topic. When you enroll in 4-H online, you sign up for projects. Below is a list of the Knox County 4-H projects available.  An exhibit is the specific item or animal that the       4-Her brings to the fair. All eligible exhibits are found in the Knox County Fairbook. There is a separate exhibit registration process for county fair that will happen later on.  Important dates to remember:
              June 15 - Deadline to enroll for projects in 4H Online.
              June 15 - Deadline to ID animals
              July 26 - Deadline for Fair Pre-Entry Forms for Exhibits
  • Knox County 4-H Project List (pdf-1 page) - Updated 1-20-24
  • 4-H Pick Your Project  - An online project selection guide used to explore over 150 Nebraska 4-H Projects and resources, and their related educational programs and opportunities.  A resource is available to help locate curriculum to support 4-H projects:  4-H Projects Page 

  • Knox County 4-H New Family Handbook (pdf-14 pages) - Updated 2-22-2024

  • Clover Kids Information
  • 2024 Knox County 4-H Calendar of Events

  • Volunteer Screening

    All 4-H club organizational and project leaders, volunteers and staff who work directly with youth are required to complete the Nebraska 4-H Volunteer Screening Process.  Volunteer Screening is done in order to assure a safe, positive and nurturing environment for all youth involved with the Nebraska 4-H programs and provide protection for the child, the volunteer, the educator, the 4-H Council, the Extension Board, and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension.

    Knox County volunteers need to complete this screening by March, 2025.   Click here for more details on the process.