4-H Large Beef Weigh Day

4-H Large Beef Weigh Day
(Market Beef & Second Year Bucket Calves)

Date Change - Saturday, March 1, 2025
9-11 am


Anyone wishing to participate in the Knox County 4-H/FFA Rate-of-Gain Contest must have their animals weighed and tagged at the official Weigh Day at the Bloomfield Vet Clinic. This includes market beef animals and second-year bucket calves.

Animals to be exhibited at State Fair will be tagged with an 840 EID tag and DNA samples will be collected. EID tags will be available at weigh-in. Cost for each DNA sample is $7.00 and $1.00 for the EID tag. If you tag your animal with an EID tag, the county ear tag is not required. 

A Premise ID number is required with all 840 EID tags. If you need to get a Premise ID, you need to obtain it through the Nebraska Department of Agriculture at 402-471-6865 or visit https://nda.nebraska.gov/adt/premises.html

Please call the Extension Office by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 27 if you plan to weigh calves.  PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. 

If you do not plan to participate in the Rate-of-Gain Contest and plan to show only at the County Fair, you need to have your animal tagged with a county ear tag and the ID form into the Extension Office by June 15.  Ear tags are $1.00 each and are available from the Extension Office. ID forms are available from the office or online at https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/knox/knox-county-4-h-project-resources/knox-county-animal-resources/4-h-animal-id-forms/.