4-H began in the early 1900's as Corn Clubs for boys and Canning Clubs for girls. Although the program has changed a lot through the years, it has always been a program designed to help children become productive members of their communities.
4-H is a national organization delivered by Cooperative Extension–a community of more than 100 public universities across the nation that provides experiences where young people learn by doing. Youth complete hands-on projects in areas like health, science, agriculture and citizenship, in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles. Kids experience 4-H in every county and parish in the country.
Nebraska 4-H prepares young people for successful futures. Educational programs place a strong emphasis on life skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, social skills, communication, responsibility, citizenship, and leadership.
4-H Resources
4-H Enrollment
2024-2025 New Member Enrollment Instructions.pdf
Volunteer Information
Volunteer Screening Link: 4-H Online Enrollment
2024-2025 New and Returning Volunteer Enrollment and Screening Instructions.pdf
Access the 4-H Volunteer Orientation here: volunteer-orientation.
Counties can verify when volunteers complete the orientation.
Fair Entry Form
Speech Contest Information
2024 Performance Arts Entry Form
2024 Communications and Expressive Art Rules and Guidelines
Extra Resources
2024 State Public Speaking Contest Information
4-H Guide To Making Great Speeches
The Four P's of Planning A Presentation
Presentation Planning Worksheet
4-H Animal Projects
YQCA Training must be completed and certificates submitted to the extension office by June 15.
Animal ID's: Due to the Extension Office on July 1.
Horse ID Form (pdf)
Market Beef ID Form (pdf)
Breeding Beef ID Form (pdf)
Stocker Feeder Beef ID form (pdf)
Bucket Calf ID form (pdf)
Market Swine ID form (pdf)
Market Lamb ID form (pdf)
Breeding Sheep ID form (pdf)
Dairy Goat ID form (pdf)
Meat Goat ID form (pdf)
Dairy Cattle ID form (pdf)
Certificates of Vaccination Forms:
4-H Projects
UNL Marketplace This is where to go for ordering 4-H curriculum. You can also order on Shop 4-H.
CSA Fair Book
Complete Fair Book (2025 coming soon)