Welcome to Nebraska Extension in Colfax County

Welcome to Nebraska Extension in Colfax County. Our office brings you reliable, research-based information in agriculture and natural resources, consumer and family economics, community and economic development and 4-H and youth development. Our goal is simple... to help you put knowledge to work!

Our team consists of:

Travis (TJ) Prochaska
Extension Educator, WCS

Brenda Dolezal
Support Staff

Please stop in for a visit and to see what Nebraska Extension in Colfax County can offer you. You can also call at (402) 352-3821.

Our office is located on the west side of Schuyler on Road 10, south of the railroad tracks. The easiest way to get to our office is to go to the west side of Schuyler on West 16th Street, also known as old Highway 30, then turn south on Road 10.

Colfax Office

What Nebraska Extension in Colfax County Can Offer You:

Nebraska Extension in Colfax County has a wealth of educational resources available at our office including research-based publications developed specifically for Nebraskans and testing kits for drinking water, soil, Soybean Cyst Nematode, and forages.

You can also access many of our Nebraska Extension publications at https://extensionpubs.unl.edu/

Location and Hours

Colfax County Extension

466 Road 10

PO Box 389

Schuyler, NE 68661



Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 am - 12 noon; 1 pm - 4:30 pm.