2024 Grass/Weed, Tree, Horticulture, Insect Identification Contests for Adams County

All Active 4-H members are welcome to take part in the Adams County Identification Practices and Contests (regardless of project enrollment).

While pre-registration is not required, we appreciate if you let us know ages of youth attending so we can tailor the educational materials.

Horticulture Identification Workshops and Contest

Calling all plant lovers - this is the contest for you! Come and learn how to identify 25 common plants and how to judge exhibited flowers, garden vegetables, and houseplants – plus add to your plant science trivia. This is a hands-on workshop series with a contest at the end. Dates to write down:

  • Identification & Judging Workshop - Thursday, May 23, 6:30 pm, at the Extension office
  • Identification Workshop - Friday, May 24, 10 am, at Earl May (2220 Kansas Ave N, Hastings NE)
  • County 4-H Horticulture Contest - Thursday, May 30, 6:30 pm, at the Extension office.

Contact Rita Brhel at the Extension office with any questions. 

Tree Identification Workshops and Contest

What's the state tree of Nebraska? Pinoak, Colorado bluespruce, or cottonwood? How do you tell the difference between these and other trees? Come and learn how to identify Nebraska's native trees and some neat facts about how trees grow. This is another hands-on workshop series with a contest at the end. Dates to write down:

  • Identification & Tree Science Workshop - Monday, June 3, 6:30 pm, at the Extension Office
  • Identification Workshop & Scavenger Hunt - Tuesday, June 4, 6:30 pm, at the Highland Park Aboretum (12 St & Hastings Ave, Hastings NE, park in the museum's parking)
  • County 4-H Tree Identification Contest - Thursday, June 6, 6:30 pm, at the Extension Office

Contact Rita Brhel at the Extension office with any questions. 

Grass & Weed Identification Practices and Contest
Participation in this contest provides a good opportunity to walk outside and learn about plants that make a difference for crop and livestock production. Practice sessions TBA will be held in fields and pastures where the growing plants can be found. The contest is scheduled on Tuesday, August 6th at 7:00 PM at Ochsner’s. 

Insect Identification Practices and Contest
Would you like to learn more about Insects and how to identify them?
Location: Adams County Extension Office 2975 S Baltimore Ave
Contest Date: Thursday, August 8th - at 6:30 PM