Enrollment Resources for 4HOnline!

4-H Colfax County

On-line enrollment is now open to enroll your 4-H'er for 2024! You can access 4HOnline 2.0 by visiting the following link: https://v2.4honline.com/#/user/sign-in. 4-H Leaders and Council members are required to enroll on-line too! Google Chrome and Firefox are the recommended web browsers to use when enrolling online. Enrollment fee is $10.00 per 4-H'er and no charge for Leaders or Council members. Card payment is at end of enrollment process.

NEW for 2024: A simplified project list within 4HOnline for 4-H members to choose from.

The following links will provide printable .pdf files for instructions on how to enroll in various capacities. 

If you have any questions, please call (402-352-3821) or email Brenda at bdolezal2@unl.edu.