The 4-H Program is open to all youth ages 8-18 and the Clover Kid Program is for youth agers 5-7. Ages are based on the 4-H'ers age as of December 31. 

Youth who would like to participate in Stanton County 4-H must be enrolled as a 4-H member to participate in a 4-H club and exhibit 4-H projects at county fair. Enrollment is open year-round, but if youth are planning to participate in County Fair or State Fair, enrollment must be completed by June 15.

All 4-H families will enroll in clubs and projects through 4honline. For returning families, please do not create a new account; rather use your previous log-in credentials.

Youth that were previously enrolled will need to update the information on their profile - phone numbers, addresses, any information that has changed. It is very important to keep this information up to date. Projects and clubs will also need to be updated. 4-H Code of Conduct, permission and health forms are all online. There will be no paper forms to submit for enrollment.

Once the submitted form has been reviewed by our office, it will be accepted (assuming no changes need to be made). You will be able to log-in anytime to check what projects you are enrolled in and to update any information. 

A couple of notes:

Photos: If you want your child’s picture in the paper, you must check ‘Yes’ on the Photo Release. Otherwise your child will not be included in any photos.

FFA members will not be able to enroll online and need to contact the office for a paper form.

County Dues of $10 per family need to be submitted to the Extension Office before enrollment is complete. Families with only Cloverbuds &/or leaders do not pay dues. Dues can be dropped off at the office or mailed to Nebraska Extension in Stanton County, 302 6th St., Stanton, NE 68779. (We do have a black dropbox located north of the office by the back door for your convenience.)

Contact your 4-H Leader or the Extension Office at 402-439-2231 or if you have any questions.

Returning Family Instructions

Re-enrolling Member

Add New Member to Family




Project Information

Project List - all project available in Stanton County for Members, Clover Kids and Volunteers

Pick Your Project - online project selection guide used to explore Nebraska 4-H projects and resources, and their related educational programs and opportunities.

Project Manuals may be purchase from UNL Marketplace and National 4-H Supply

Volunteer Information

New and Returning Volunteer enrollment & Screening Instructions - Follow these instructions to get enrolled properly and complete all screenings and orientation.

Volunteer Screening - 2024-2025 Program Year - All Nebraska 4-H Volunteers must complete volunteer screening before volunteering with 4-H in any capacity. When enrollment is submitted, volunteers will automatically be directed to Sterling Volunteers website for screening. This new screening is a criminal background history check Volunteers will need to re-screen every 5 years. Fee is $17, paid online. This new screening is a criminal background history check and will take about 5 minutes. These changes were made to ensure all youth and volunteers are protected through increased volunteer screening level.

Volunteer Orientation - All Nebraska 4-H Volunteers must also complete the Nebraska 4-H Volunteer Orientation. This will need to be repeated every 5 years. Orientation will take about 45 minutes. This can be accessed through the enrollment website.