Early Childhood in Seward County

NE Extension EC

The Early Childhood team supports adults who play a role in young children’s lives by providing information and resources about early childhood development. Adults play a significant role in setting the stage for young children's lifelong learning, discovery and success.

"The Good Life in Early Life" podcast - Hosted by Emily Manning, Extension Educator-Early Childhood, Seward County

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Early Childhood - Statewide

Early Childhood in Nebraska provides you affordable, research-based, educational programs, and resources. Information in each program is based on research from faculty right here in Nebraska. Our goal is to empower all adults who care for young children by providing high-quality professional development that sets the stage for lifelong learning, discovery, and success. We’re here to help you take what you’ve learned from training and research and put it into practice!

To better serve all Nebraskans, Nebraska Extension has organized Extension Educators into Accountability Regions. Each Educator has a group of counties where they are expected to connect with clientele in their focus area. They provide a strong link to Extension programs, products, and training for businesses, organizations, and communities. Your local Educator, Emily Manning, currently serves Seward, York, Merrick, Hamilton, Polk, and Butler Counties.

Check out these links to learn more about Early Childhod


Your Local Educator: Emily Manning

Emily received a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in Family Consumer Science Education, and a Master’s Degree from the University of Missouri in Human Development and Family Studies. She provides resources and trainings to early care and education providers in Nebraska to support young children’s growth and learning. Emily has experience teaching Family and Consumer Science in the public school system and has provided trainings to adults through Missouri Extension’s Show Me Healthy Relationships program. While working in the public school system, Emily served on the Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) team at the school and district level to help support students’ academic and socio-emotional needs. She is a ceritified trainer for The Pyramid Model, Cultivating Healthy Intentional Mindful Educators, and Safe with You. Emily is also the host of the new Nebraska Extension Early Childhood podcast The Good Life in Early Life which focuses on early childhood topics specific to Nebraska. 

Meet Emily