Clover Kids Program (ages 5-7)

Clover Kids is the officially recognized program in Nebraska for children under the age of 8. The program is designed to provide 5 to 7 year-olds a variety of educational and recreational experiences in a non-competitive environment. Clover Kids provide an excellent opportunity for youth to achieve his/her highest potential because early life experiences affect future development.


The primary goal is to promote the child's stages of development - intellectually, physically, socially, and emotionally.

  • Develop Self-Esteem
  • Decision-Making Skills (making positive choices)
  • Comprehensive Skills (learning how to learn; positive attitudes toward learning)
  • Mastering Physical Skills (enjoying constructive and creative play)
  • Social-Interaction Skills (getting along with others)
  • Diversity Skills (acceptance of others; exploring family and community relationships)

Children possessing these life skills are less likely to have problems with drug use, school failure, delinquency, and depression as they move into their teenage years and then into adulthood.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a Clover Kid in 4-H?

  • Yes, but they participate in a different way than a 4-H member. Clover Kids do count towards 4-H years, thus a youth can be involved in 4-H for 14 years.

What type of projects can Clover Kids sign up for?

  • Projects range from cooking, crafts, gardening, pocket pets (fish), and bottle lambs for example. Clover Kid projects do vary from county to county. 

How do I get my child started as a Clover Kid?

  • You must officially enroll in 4-H through the 4-H Online system. Please the Saline County Extension Office for enrollment information, deadlines, and fees associated with joining.

Can Clover Kids exhibit at the county fair?

  • Yes, Clover Kids are encouraged to exhibit something at the county fair. Clover Kid exhibits are non-competitive and for exhibition only, they do receive participation ribbons. A Clover Kids "show-n-tell" is an example of how youth can feel part of the fair without being competitive. Members are provided a place and time to talk about their exhibit and show what they have learned.

Can Clover Kids go to camp?

  • Yes, Clover Kids may attend camps designed to meet their developmental stages. A Clover Kid camp involves youth in a one-day or a multi-day camp-like setting where educational, hands-on activities occur. Counties may offer various Clover Kids camps. 

Can parents, grandparents, or guardians be involved?

  • Yes! Everyone can participate as volunteers. Whether it is making food for a club meeting, driving members to activities, becoming a 4-H leader, or interacting with your child with various projects, there is always room for everyone in a child's life. Contact the Saline County Extension Office for more information about volunteer opportunities in your area.

What is the difference between Clover Kids and older 4-H members?

  • Children 5 to 7 years old develop and learn in ways different from younger children (2-4 years old) and older youth (8-18 years old). Knowing these differences, projects, and activities are designed to provide a foundation for Clover Kids to develop effectively.

Why is the Clover Kids program non-competitive?

  • Studies prove non-competitive environments are more likely to develop confidence, creativity, and competence in children. The Clover Kids program corresponds with the child's stages of physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development.

Why can't Clover Kids show large animals, such as horses, cattle, sheep, or swine?

  • For safety, liability, and competitive reasons often associated with livestock shows, some restrictions are necessary to maintain Clover Kids program objectives. According to the 4-H Policy and Procedures Handbook, Clover Kids should not participate in animal events when the animal is greater than 350 pounds at the time of the show. Children eight and under often lack the mental and physical skills for controlling and understanding the strength of large animals. Please check with the Saline County Extension office for more specific information.