Saline County 4-H members who have officially enrolled in Saline County 4-H should refer to the content on each tab in the menu on the right side of this page to help answer your questions pertaining to your 4-H animal projects.
The exhibition of 4-H animals at the County Fair, State Fair, or AK-Sar-Ben requires several requirements to be met BEFORE you can enter your animals for exhibition.
- Enroll in Saline County 4-H
- Complete yearly YQCA training
- Complete appropriate animal identification forms for County Fair
- Order your county fair show t-shirt by May 15 if you need one
- Complete DNA samples if planning to exhibit at State Fair
- Complete online nominations if planning to exhibit at State Fair
- Complete Ak-Sar-Ben online nominations if planning to exhibit at State Fair
- Make the appropriate entries for County Fair, State Fair, and Ak-Sar-Ben and pay the entry fees by each respective deadline