4-H Animal Science Project Resources

Group of Animals

Saline County 4-H members who have officially enrolled in Saline County 4-H should refer to the content on each tab in the menu on the right side of this page to help answer your questions pertaining to your 4-H animal projects.

The exhibition of 4-H animals at the County Fair, State Fair, or AK-Sar-Ben requires several requirements to be met BEFORE you can enter your animals for exhibition. 


  1. Enroll in Saline County 4-H
  2. Complete yearly YQCA training
  3. Complete appropriate animal identification forms for County Fair
  4. Order your county fair show t-shirt by May 15 if you need one
  5. Complete DNA samples if planning to exhibit at State Fair
  6. Complete www.showstockmgr.com online nominations if planning to exhibit at State Fair
  7. Complete Ak-Sar-Ben online nominations if planning to exhibit at State Fair
  8. Make the appropriate entries for County Fair, State Fair, and Ak-Sar-Ben and pay the entry fees by each respective deadline