Enrolling in 4-H in 2024....
NEW Starting in 2024, project selection will be optional with the exception of the horse and shooting sports (see note below). By successfully completing the 4-H member enrollment by June 15, youth will be eligible to participate and exhibit in any project area, any contest, their county fair, and the Nebraska State Fairs. While optional, youth are encouraged to select projects they are interested in exploring each program year. Please note:
- Youth are only eligible to exhibit in a project area or contest in a single county.
- Horse or shooting sports projects will continue to require project enrollment due to the parental consent required for participation.
- New 4-H members
- Returning 4-H members-required to enroll through 4-H Online each year
- Volunteers-required to enroll through 4-H Online each year
- To participate in county fairs and the Nebraska State Fair
- To participate as a 4-H member in additional statewide programs.
- To get the latest news
COST: Enrollment is FREE in our county!
WHERE: Enroll at v2.4honline.com.
HOW: Instructions available in the Extension Office OR https://4h.unl.edu/enroll
Enrollment Tips
• The health form is optional, except for one question regarding any life-threatening allergies. This question is near the end of the page immediately before the Health Form Consent
• If you need to make connections with a club, the Extension office is happy to make this introduction.
• Youth between the ages of 5 and 7 as of January 1 of the current year may enroll as Clover Kids.
• Update your t-shirt size. This is the size we will use throughout the year for the county fair t-shirts.
- While enrollment is open year-round, youth interested in participating in their county fair or the Nebraska State Fair must complete enrollment by June 15.
For help selecting 4-H projects, visit our Pick Your Project or current Nebraska 4-H Project Listing. Also, note the following codes when selecting projects.
Project Areas
- AS = Animal Science
- C&EA = Communications & Expressive Arts
- C&FS = Consumer & Family Science
- EE&ES = Environmental Education & Earth Science
- HL = Healthy Lifestyles
- LC&PD = Leadership, Citizenship & Personal Development
- PS = Plant Science
- SET = Science, Engineering & Technology
- A = Beginner
- B = Intermediate
- C = Advanced
- D = All Levels
- For help selecting 4-H projects, visit our Pick Your Project or current Nebraska 4-H Project Listing.
- If you have further questions, please call Phelps-308-995-4222, or Gosper - 308-785-2390.