Phelps/Gosper 4-H Shooting Sports

The focus of all 4-H programs is the development of youth as individuals and as responsible and productive citizens. The 4-H Shooting Sports Program stands out as an example. Youth learn marksmanship, the safe and responsible use of firearms, the principles of hunting and archery, and much more. The activities of the program and the support of caring adult leaders provide young people with opportunities to develop life skills, self-worth, and conservation ethics.

All youth must be enrolled in 4-H at BEFORE the first practice.

All youth must be paid in full BEFORE the first practice. (Financial support is offered through the 4-H program. Contact the Extension Office at 995-4222.)

Age of youth is the 4-H age, January 1, of the year of the start of the program.

  • 4-H BB Gun:   Register at:    $10 program fee; start - week of Jan. 8, 2024, 6:00 to 7:00 OR 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.. Six weeks of class. Contest scheduled for Sat., Feb.17.  Classes meet Tuesday or Thursday nights.  Enroll by Jan 8. 
  • 4-H Air Rifle:  Register at:  $20 program fee; Start date - Week of Jan 8, 2024. Six weeks of class.  Contest held the last week of the class.  Classes meet Tuesday or Thursday nights:  Tuesday 5:00 to 5:45 or 8:15 to 9:00; Thursday 8:15 to 9:00.   
  • 4-H Archery:  Register at  $20 program fee; Start date-Wee of Jan 8.  Six weeks of class with the contest held during the last week of class.  Classes meet Monday, Tuesday or Thursday nights:  Mon, Tues and Thurs-6 to 6:45, 7-7:45 or 8 to 8:45

Phelps/Gosper County Shooting Sports Flyer that was handed out December 2023.

Gosper County 4-H Shooting Sports are asking for interested adults interested in BB Gun, Archery or other Shooting Sports disciplines to visit with the Phelps or Gosper Extension Staff for more information.

If you are interested in other contests available across the state, please check out the state shooting sports contest calendar