IMPORTANT! FOLLOW ALL GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR FOOD AND NUTRITION (DEPT. E) TO ENSURE FOOD SAFETY ON CLASSES 905 AND 906. Non-food classes are required to be labeled with exhibitor name, age and county. One entry per class
Division 908
Classes in this division are ineligible for State Fair
Class P908900 Making Food for Me Placemat Colored and decorated. Lamination or protection with clear contact paper advised. (Center page in Save a Place For Me project book)
Class P908901 Food Cards Neatly cut and colored Food Cards, in self-sealing plastic bat or other secure container. (Pages 67-69 Leaders Guide)
Class P908902 Grain Collage Neatly cut and pasted pictures of grains, cut out and displayed on collage. (Page 40 Leaders Guide)
Class P908903 Dairy Tasting Party Completed Dairy Tasting Party form from Project Book (Page 17). May be copied or cut from manual.
Class P908904 Protein Collage Neatly cut and pasted pictures of protein sources and foods displayed on collage. (Page 53 of Leaders Guide)
Class P908905 Healthy Snack Four cookies, bars, muffins, etc., on a paper plate, or at least one cup of mix. (Examples might include: Snack mix made from a cereal base, no-bake or simple cookie or granola bar). Follow the General Instructions for Food and Nutrition.