Project Selection
Need help selecting a project? Visit the 4-H Curriculum page.
Find information on State Fair Static Projects and Contests in the State Fairbook.
Static Project Resources
Dept. B Communications & Expressive Arts
Photography scoresheets, forms, contest study materials, and additional resources can be found at
- How to Prepare Photos for Fair
- How to Complete the Photography Tag
- PHOTOGRAPHY 1 Data Tag *Required with entry
- PHOTOGRAPHY 2 Data Tag *Required with entry
- PHOTOGRAPHY 3 Data Tag *Required with entry
Dept. C Family & Consumer Science
Clothing scoresheets, forms, labels and additional resources can be found at Static - Clothing.
- CLOTHING DESIGN DATA CARD *Required with entry
- FIBER ARTS CROCHET DATA TAG *Required with entry
- FIBER ARTS KNITTING DATA TAG *Required with entry
- STEAM Beyond the Needle Skills
- STEAM Sewing Skills
Human Development scoresheets, data tag, forms, contest study materials, and additional resources can be found at Static - Human Developement.
- Human Development Data Tag *Required with entry
Home Design & Restoration coresheets, forms, contest study materials, and additional resources can be found at
- HOME ENVIRONMENT TAG *Required with entry
- Home Environment Design and Principles
- Home Environment Exhibit Guidelines
- Preserving Heirlooms Manual
- Conservation of Textile Items
Visual Arts scoresheets, forms, contest study materials, and additional resources can be found at
Dept. D Environmental Ed & Earth Sciences
Forestry scoresheets, forms, contest study materials, and additional resources can be found at
Conservation, Wildlife and Shooting Sports scoresheets, forms, contest study materials, and additional resources can be found at
Dept. E Healthy Lifestyles Ed
Scoresheets, forms, labels and additional resources can be found at Static - Food & Nutrition
- Recipe Card *Required with entry
- UNL Food - Family Food & Fun at Home
- UNL Food: Canning Basics
- National Center for Home Preservation
- Ball: Home Canning 101
- "Let's Preserve!" Jams, Jellies, and Preserves
- "Let's Preserve!" Fruit and Fruit Products
- "Let's Preserve!" Vegetables and Vegetable Products
- "Let's Preserve!" Fermented and Pickled Foods
- "Let's Preserve!" Tomatoes and Tomato Products
Dept. G Plant Science
Agronomy scoresheets, forms, contest study materials and additional resources can be found at
Horticulture scoresheets, forms, contest study materials, and additional resources can be found at
Dept. H STEM
Entomology scoresheets, forms, contest study materials, and additional resources can be found at
- Nebraska 4-H 26 Entomology Manual
- Special Entomology Project (bottom of that site)
- NebGuide Creating a Solitary Bee Motel
STEM scoresheets, forms, contest study materials, and additional resources can be found at .
2025 Special Garden Project

The Special Garden Project is a way to offer Nebraska youth the chance to grow unusual and fun projects in their gardens. The 2025 Special Garden Project will focus on the Goldie Husk Cherry. Youth are encouraged to enroll for Horticulture/Plant Science through 4-H Online, then they must reach out to the Chase County Extension Office, 882-4731, to sign up and order the seeds by Feb. 5.
2025 Special Agronomy Project

Youth participants will receive seeds and resources to cultivate a crop, explore its traits, and assess its viability in their region. This year, we're celebrating the fifth year of the special agronomy project by spotlighting sunflowers. 2025 Special Agonomy Project flyer
Why Participate?
• Grow something fun, new, and different.
• Be eligible to showcase your project at the County and/or State Fair in the agronomy category.
How to Get Involved:
• Enroll for the 2024 Special Agronomy Project through 4-H Online by selecting the Agronomy project.
• Contact your local Nebraska Extension Office to order your packets of seeds by Feb. 24.
For project specifications and additional details, check out the Nebraska State Fairbook at
State Fair Contests
4-H contests allow youth to demonstrate knowledge and/or skills learned through participation in project areas. Each contest has specific rules, guidelines, entry limits, class descriptions, scoresheets, and forms.