All exhibits are required to be labeled with exhibitor name, age and county.  One entry per class

Division 907

Classes in this division are ineligible for State Fair

Class P907900  Bird Feeder/Waterer  Any homemade bird feeder using recycled materials.

Class P907901  Water Picture On a sheet of poster board 11 inches x 14 inches show what you have discovered about water. Any medium may be used.

Class P907902  Growing Seed A seedling you have planted.  Can be exhibited in any small container.

Class P907903  Insect Life Mobile

Class P907904  Insect Model Create your very own insect using any kind of non-edible medium and include all insect parts: six legs, one pair antenna, and three body sections.

Class P907905  Seed Medallion  Use a 4 inch circle of cardboard and any kind of seeds to make a medallion.  Use string or yarn to make a hanging loop for your medallion.

Class P907906  Sailboat Using any medium, create a small sailboat that can really float!

Class P907907  Treasure Hunt Collage  Make a collage of items collected outdoors on a sheet of 11” x 14” poster board.