All exhibits are required to be labeled with exhibitor name, age and county. One entry per class.
Division 900
Classes in this division are ineligible for State Fair
Class P900900 Space Buggy Design and make a spacecraft from household items or items that could be reused instead of being thrown away. Materials list: Scissors, glue, assorted clean household materials such as paper towel tubes, tissue boxes, plastic bottles, etc. Draw a picture of your buggy on a sheet of paper. On another sheet of paper, briefly explain the job/jobs your space buggy can do. Include both sheets with your exhibit.
Class P900901 Space Station Draw a design of what you think an International Space Station of the future might look like. Using household items, build a model of that station. On a sheet of paper, briefly describe how scientists would use your space station.
Class P900902 Rocket Any skill level 1 rocket. Refer to General Instructions for Rockets & Drones (Dept. H) for rules regarding rocket displays.
Class P900903 Rocket Drawing On a 8.5 inch x 11 inch sheet of paper or on a sheet of 11 inch x 14 inch poster board, draw a rocket. Label the three main parts.
Class P900904 Bird Drawing On a 8.5 inch x 11 inch sheet of paper or on a sheet of 11 inch x 14 inch poster board, draw your favorite bird.
Class P900905 Airplane Drawing On a 8.5 inch x 11 inch sheet of paper or on a sheet of 11 inch x 14 inch poster board, draw your favorite airplane.
Class P900906 Paper Flyer Make your favorite kind of paper flyer, This can be an airplane, helicopter, rocket or any other flying machine.
Class P900907 Marshmallow Rocket Rocket exhibit made with marshmallows and toothpicks. Parts of the rocket must be labeled.