General Instructions:  Clover Kids

Purpose: The purpose of the Clover Kids program is to promote positive development of youth to become competent, caring, contributing citizens.  The learning experience is the primary reason for involvement in the program.

Non-Competitive Program:  The 4-H Clover Kids program is a non-competitive program designed for youth ages 5-7 years (as of January 1 of the current year).  All Clover Kids activities will be non-competitive with participants receiving participation (rainbow) ribbons for activity participation.

Enrollment Requirements:  Clover Kids must enroll in 4-H by the deadline stated by the county of participation (contact your local Extension Office for enrollment deadline details).

Fair Pre-Entry Requirements:  4-H Clover Kid Animal entries must be identified on the appropriate forms and turned into your local Extension Office by the due dates set by that office to qualify for county fair entry.  All fair exhibits MUST be pre-entered by the due date set by your county Extension Office on the forms provided by your county.

Animal Projects:  According to the State 4-H Policy and Procedures Handbook Clover Kids programs involving live animals must adhere to the following:

  • Exhibition includes discussions with youth based on their knowledge of the care and raising of the animal.
  • Exhibitors show in a non-competitive setting for participation only.
  • Age, size, and temperament of animal projects must be appropriate for the exhibitor’s age and size.
  • Horse projects are NOT allowed or appropriate. Beef animals weighing more than 350 pounds at time of show are NOT allowed or appropriate for this age group either.
  • Animals that are appropriate for this age group include bucket calf, sheep, swine, goat, dog, poultry, rabbit, cat, and companion animals.
  • There will be one adult/teen volunteer present for every Clover Kid member that is handling or exhibiting animals.  This applies to all animal projects.
  • Allowable large animals should be no more than six months of age and no more than 350 pounds at time of show.
  • Exhibitors in this age group are not allowed to sell their animal through a livestock sale or premium auction.

Quality Assurance Training:  Quality Assurance Training is not required for 4-H Clover Kids.

Ribbon Premiums:  Ribbon premiums or any other financial premiums or incentives are not allowed.