Projects:  Serving as a Junior Leader, Step Up to Leadership 1, Step Up to Leadership 2, Step Up to Leadership 3

Division 135

Classes in this division are ineligible for State Fair

Class A135900  Junior Leader Record Book To be a Junior Leader, you should be at least 12 years old by January 1 of current year, completed at least two years as a member and enroll in at least one other project.

  1. Select leadership jobs to do based on the needs of the club.
  2. Complete the selected leadership jobs following the procedure planned with the leader.  Using the Junior Leader Record Form, list the leadership tasks and the work planned at the beginning of the project year.  Record accomplishments as you complete the various leadership tasks. Plan one of your junior leader jobs in detail.  This job must be one in which you will take the major responsibility, although there may be others helping you.  You would be in charge of planning, making arrangements, and conducting the program.

Class A135901  My Leadership Workbook (for Grades 3-5) Turn in completed NATL4H07905 My Leadership Workbook and any other supporting materials to the extension office after each leadership year is completed. Subsequent project years (up to three in total) will be compiled in the same workbook and turned in after each additional leadership year is completed.

Class A135902  My Leadership Journal (for Grades 6-8) Turn in completed NATL4H 07906 My Leadership Journal and any other supporting materials to the extension office after each leadership year is completed. Subsequent project years (up to three in total) will be compiled in the same workbook and turned in after each additional    leadership year is completed. 

Class A135903  My Leadership Portfolio (for Grades 9-12) Turn in completed NATL4H 07907 My Leadership Portfolio and any other supporting materials to the extension office after each leadership year is completed.  Subsequent project years (up to three in total) will be compiled in the same workbook and turned in after each additional leadership year is completed.