General Instructions:  Heritage

The purpose of the 4-H Heritage project is to acquire knowledge, develop a connection to the past and share the story of a 4-H member’s heritage and history around them.  An exhibit may include items, pictures, maps, charts, recordings, drawings, illustrations, writings or displays that depict the heritage of the member’s family or community or 4-H history.

Please Note:  Exhibits are entered at 4-H member’s own risk.  We will not be responsible for loss or damage to family heirloom items or any items in this division. 

Displays: Displays should not be larger than 22 inches x 28 inches wide. If the size needs to be a different size because the historical item is larger than 22 inches x 28 inches, please contact the Extension Office for approval.  Display collections securely in an attractive container no larger than 22 inches x 28 inches. 

Label: Exhibits must include NAME, COUNTY, AGE & PAST EXPERIENCE (years in Explore your Heritage project) on back of exhibit. 

Documentation:  All entries must include documentation.  When writing documentation ask yourself and think about how does this relate to my heritage or why is it important?  Examples of documentation:  birth dates, death dates, marriage dates, identification of individuals included in the exhibit, or stories related to the subject of the exhibit.

Division 101

—Level One:  Beginning (1-4 years in project)—

*Class A101001  Heritage Poster or Flat Exhibit Entries may be pictures, posters, items that depict family heritage.  Exhibits must be supported by a written explanation.

*Class A101002  Family Genealogy/History Notebook Include pedigree charts/family group sheets, with documentation for two-three generations of one family line, expanding each year.  If multiple books included in exhibit, only bring book with most current year’s work.

*Class A101003  Local History Scrapbook/Notebook Scrapbook or notebook that depicts history of local community or Nebraska that helps youth appreciate their heritage.

*Class A101004  Framed Family Photos  Framed family groupings (or individuals) of pictures showing family history.  Pictures must be supported by written explanation.

*Class A101005  Other Exhibit(s)  Depicting the heritage of the member’s family or community.  Exhibit must be supported by a written explanation.  May include, biographical album of themselves or another family member, family cookbooks, etc.

*Class A101006  4-H History Scrapbook A scrapbook relating 4-H history of local club or county.  Must be work of individual 4-H member-no club project.  If multiple books included in exhibit, only bring book with most current year’s work.

*Class A101007  4-H History Poster Poster relating 4-H history of local club or county or individual.

*Class A101008  Story or Illustration About a Historical Event

*Class A101009  Book Review about Local, Nebraska, or Regional History

*Class A101010  Other Historical Exhibits Attach an explanation of historical importance.

*Class A101011  Family Traditions Book Exhibitor scrapbook depicting family traditions of the past.

*Class A101012  Family Traditions Exhibit Story or illustration of a family tradition or event.  Exhibits must be supported by a written explanation.

*Class A101013  4-H Club/County Scrapbook Scrapbook relating 4-H history of local club or county compiled by club historian.  If multiple books included in exhibit, only bring book with most current year’s work.

*Class A101014  4-H Member Scrapbook Scrapbook relating to individual 4-H member’s 4-H history.  If multiple books included in exhibit, only bring book with most current year’s work.

*Class A101015  Special Events Scrapbook A scrapbook relating to a 4-H special event, such as a Congress or CWF or a personal or family special event, such as a trip, family reunion, etc.

Division 102

—Level Two:  Advanced (Over 4 years in project)—

*Class A102001  Heritage Poster or Flat Exhibit Entries may be pictures, posters, items that depict family heritage.  Exhibits must be supported by a written explanation.

*Class A102002  Family Genealogy/History Notebook Include pedigree charts/family group sheets, with documentation for two-three generations of one family line, expanding each year.  If multiple books included in exhibit, only bring book with most current year’s work.

*Class A101003  Local History Scrapbook/Notebook Scrapbook or notebook that depicts history of local community or Nebraska that helps youth appreciate their heritage.

*Class A102004  Framed Family Photos  Groupings (or individuals) of pictures showing family history.  Pictures must be supported by written explanation.

*Class A102005  Other Exhibit(s)  Depicting the heritage of the member’s family or community.  Exhibit must be supported by a written explanation.  May include, biographical album of themselves or another family member, family cookbooks, etc.

*Class A102006  4-H History Scrapbook A scrapbook relating 4-H history of local club or county.  Must be work of individual 4-H member-no club project.  If multiple books included in exhibit, only bring book with most current year’s work.

*Class A102007  4-H History Poster Poster relating 4-H history of local club or county or individual.

*Class A102008  Story or Illustration  About a historical event.

*Class A102009  Book Review  About local, Nebraska, or regional history.

*Class A102010  Other Historical Exhibits Attach an explanation of historical importance.

*Class A102011  Exhibit Depicting the importance of a community of Nebraska historic landmark.

*Class A102012  Community Report Documenting something of historical significance from past to present.

*Class A102013  Historic Collection Displayed securely and attractively in container no larger than   22 inches x 28 inches.

*Class A102014  Video  Documentary Documentary of a family or a community event.  Must be produced and edited by 4-H member. (must be entered as a DVD or USB)

*Class A102015  4-H Club/County Scrapbook Scrapbook relating 4-H history of local club or county compiled by club historian.  If multiple books included in exhibit, only bring book with most current year’s work.

*Class A102016  4-H Member Scrapbook Scrapbook relating to individual 4-H member’s 4-H history.  If multiple books included in exhibit, only bring book with most current year’s work.

*Class A102017  Special Events Scrapbook A scrapbook relating to a 4-H special event, such as a Congress or CWF or a personal or family special event, such as a trip, family reunion, etc.