
Projects:  Junk Drawer Robotics 1, Junk Drawer Robotics 2, Junk Drawer Robotics 3, Robotics Platforms

General Instructions:  STEM

Labeling:  The name and county of each 4-H member should appear separately on the back of each board, poster or article and on the front cover of the notebooks so the owner of the exhibit may be identified if the entry tag is separated from the exhibit.

Demonstration Boards:   Demonstration boards should include an overall title for the display, plus other necessary labeling.

Posters:  Posters in this department can be any size up to 28 inches by 22 inches when ready for display.  Example: trifold poster boards are not 28 inches by 22 inches when fully open for display.

Display Boards:  Several classes require a display board which should be a height of 24: inches and not to exceed 1/4-inch thickness. A height of 24 7/8 inches is acceptable to allow for the saw kerf (width) if two 24-inch boards are cut from one end of a four-foot by eight-foot sheet of plywood.  Nothing should be mounted within 3/4 inch of the top or bottom of the board. (Example: Woodworking & Electricity.)

  • Fabricated boards such as plywood, composition board, or particle-type lumber may be used for demonstrations displays.
  • Demonstration boards should be sanded and finished to improve their appearance.  The finish on a demonstration board will be judged as a woodworking exhibit.
  • Demonstration boards should include an overall title for the display, plus other necessary labeling.

Reports:  Reports should be written using the scientific method whenever possible:

  1. Hypothesis
  2. Research
  3. Experiment
  4. Measure
  5. Report or Redefine

All reports should be computer generated and enclosed in a clear plastic cover.  The reports should be attached securely to the display.

General Rules:  Please refer to the General Rules for the policy regarding firearms, items with a blade, and other related items.  Please refer to the General Rules for the policy regarding use of copywritten images.

Team Entries:  To qualify for entry at the Nebraska State Fair for any team exhibit, the exhibit and all supporting information must clearly be the work of a team instead of an individual, and must have at least 50% of all team members enrolled in 4-H. Additionally, all enrolled 4-H members on the team should complete and attach an entry tag to the materials.  A supplemental page documenting the individual contributions to the project should be included.  The entry will be judged as a team, with all team members receiving the same ribbon placing.

State Fair:  State Fair qualified videos, presentations and other electronic exhibits should be submitted to by August 15th, 2025. Videos can be uploaded to a video streaming application and exhibitors MUST provide a hard copy QR code for viewing. 4-H members are encouraged to test their codes or links on several devices to check for appropriate permissions for public viewing.

Outside Projects:  If the project (i.e. picnic tables, wishing wells, swings, chairs, bridges, doghouses, etc.) is designed to be used outside, it will be displayed outside at State Fair.  All outside projects MUST have entry tag and supporting information placed in a protective bag to prevent damage from weather events such as rain and be ATTACHED to projects with string, zip ties, etc.

Division 861

*Class H861001  Robotics Poster  Create a poster (28 inches x 22 inches) communicating a robotics theme such as “Robot or Not”, “Pseudocode”, “Real World Robots”, “Careers in Robots”, “Autonomous Robotics”, “Precision Agriculture” or a robotic topic of interest to the 4-H member.

*Class H861002  Robotics Notebook  Explore a robotics topic in-depth and present your findings in a notebook.  Documentation should include any designs, research, notes, pseudocode, data tables or other evidence of the 4-H members learning experience.  The 8.5 inch x 11 inch notebook should contain at least three pages.  Topics could include a programming challenge, programming skills, calibration, sensor exploration, or any of the topics suggested in Class 1.

*Class H861004   Robotics/Careers Interview  Interview someone who is working in the field of robotics and research the career in robotics. Interviews can either be written or in a multimedia format (CD/DVD) such as a short video uploaded to a cloud sharing service.  Include a QR code with your project to allow judging access.  Multimedia reports should be between three to five minutes in length.  All digital exhibits must be uploaded according to the guidelines and by the deadline listed in the department rules.  Written interviews should be in an 8.5 inch x 11 inch notebook.  Written reports should be three to five pages, double spaced, 12-point font, and 1 inch margins. 

*Class H861005  Robotics Sensor Notebook  Write a scratch pseudo code which includes at least three sensor activities.   Include the code written and explain the code function.  Codes can be submitted as a multimedia format uploaded to a cloud sharing service.  Include a QR code with your project to allow judging access.  Multimedia presentations should be three to five minutes in length. State Fair qualified digital exhibits must be uploaded according to the guidelines and by the deadline listed in the department rules.  .

*Class H861007  Kit Labeled Robot (cannot be free programmed) and Notebook  This class is intended for explorations of robotic components such as arms or vehicles OR educational kits marketed as robots that do not have the ability to be programmed to “sense, plan, and act.”  The exhibit should include a notebook with the robot the youth constructed. 

Included in the notebook should be:

  1. A description of what the robot does
  2. Pictures of programs the robot can perform
  3. Why they chose to build this particular form
  4. How they problem solved any issues they might have had during building and programming.

A picture story of assembly is recommended.  If a robot is more than 15 inches wide and 20 inches tall it may not be displayed in locked cases at the Nebraska State Fair.  If the robot is too large, we recommend you create a video of how your robot works.  We recommend that you submit the project under Class H861003-Robotics Video in the Robotics Showcase.

*Class H861008  3D Printed Robotics Parts  This class is intended for 4-H members to create parts through 3D printing, that help create their robot or aid the robot in completing a coded function.  Project should include a notebook describing the process used to create the project, describing the success of your designed piece (did it work), intended use of the product and the modifications made to the item.

Robotics Showcase

State Fair Contest

General Instructions:  Robotics Showcase

The 4-H Robotics Showcase is an opportunity for 4-H members to showcase their Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) talents by presenting their robot's design and programming skills to judges and members of the public. All 4-H members participating in the contest will have the ability to interact with the judges and run the programs on the robot exhibit. 


  1. 4-H members may enter as an individual or as a team. A team consists of two-four individuals.
  2. 4-H members should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your assigned time to set up.
  3. 4-H members must wear the State Fair 4-H T-shirt provided to them during the contest.
  4. All 4-H members participating in the contest must wear the official State Fair T-shirt.  T-shirts will be provided at each contest check-in and are to be worn during the contest and awards.

Advance State Fair Entry: 4-H members must register on the State Fair website by the August 10th deadline. 

Entry Fees:  Refer to the general rules at

Contest Schedule:

  1. Time slots will be determined following the advance entry deadline. 
  2. Specific competition times may be requested but cannot be guaranteed.

4-H Member Eligibility: 

  1. Must be 8 years of age by January 1 of the current year.
  2. Must be enrolled in 4-H by the June 15 enrollment deadline.
  3. 4-H members are required to register on the State Fair website by the August 10th deadline.
  4. 4-H members will be notified of the location of the contest prior to State Fair.
  5. General rules from the 4-H section of the Nebraska State Fair apply. 

Divisions:  Age divisions will be determined by a member’s 4-H age, the age before January 1 of the current year.

  • Junior:  Ages (8-10)
  • Intermediate: Ages (11-13)
  • Senior: Ages (14-18)

Division 500

Classes in this division may be exhibited at County Fair

*Class F500037  Robotics Video  This class should be displayed in a notebook. The notebook should include a video clip on a CD/DVD that demonstrates the robot performing the programmed function. Include your pseudo code and screenshots of the actual code with a written description of the icon/command functions. 

For State Fair-Entries should be submitted to  by August 10th, or videos can be uploaded to a video streaming application and exhibitors MUST provide a hard copy QR code for viewing. 4-H members are encouraged to test their codes or links on several devices to check for appropriate permissions.

*Class F500038  Build a Robot (may use kit)  Include a robot and notebook including the pseudocodes for at least one program you have written for the robot, the robots purpose, and any challenges or changes you would make in the robot design or programming. If robot is more than 15 inches wide and 20 inches tall they may not be displayed in locked cases (at State Fair). We recommend that you submit the project under class H861003 - Robotics Video. Junk Drawer Robotics do not qualify.